# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # SETTINGS = "#{File.expand_path('.buildr', ENV['HOME'])}/settings.rb" module NativeDB # if File.exist? SETTINGS require SETTINGS Java.rjb.onload { Java.rjb.classpath << REQUIRES } end class << self def create_dbs(buildr, base, orm) if File.exist? SETTINGS require SETTINGS settings().each do |name, dbprops| if dbprops[:db] != "derby" buildr.build create_hib_db(name, "#{base}/target/#{name}"=>dbprops) if orm == :hib and dbprops[:dao].downcase.include? "hib" buildr.build create_jpa_db(base, name, "#{base}/target/#{name}"=>dbprops) if orm == :jpa and !dbprops[:dao].downcase.include? "hib" end end end end def create_hib_db(name, args) if File.exist? SETTINGS require SETTINGS db, dbprops = Rake.application.resolve_args(args) file(File.expand_path(db)) do |task| puts "Creating(preparing) database: #{db}." rm_rf task.name if File.exist?(task.name) Dir.mkdir(task.name) Buildr.ant(name) do |ant| create_tables_sql = "#{task.name}/ode_tables.sql" drop_tables_sql = "#{task.name}/drop_ode_tables.sql" ant.get :src=>"http://release.intalio.com/m2repo/ci-resources/ode-schema-5.2.x/package/#{dbprops[:db]}/ode_tables.sql", :dest=> create_tables_sql sqls = prepare_sqls(task, ant, [], :hib, dbprops[:db], drop_tables_sql, create_tables_sql) # Apply the sql scripts to the database ant.sql :driver=>dbprops[:driver], :url=>dbprops[:url], :userid=>dbprops[:userid], :password=>dbprops[:password], :autocommit=>dbprops[:autocommit] do sqls.each { |sql| ant.transaction :src=>sql } end puts "Created(prepared) database: #{dbprops[:url]}." end end end end def create_jpa_db(base, name, args) if File.exist? SETTINGS require SETTINGS db, dbprops = Rake.application.resolve_args(args) file(File.expand_path(db)) do |task| puts "Creating(preparing) database: #{db}." rm_rf task.name if File.exist?(task.name) Dir.mkdir(task.name) Buildr.ant(name) do |ant| create_tables_sql = "#{base}/target/#{dbprops[:db]}.sql" drop_tables_sql = "#{task.name}/drop-#{dbprops[:db]}.sql" sqls = prepare_sqls(task, ant, [], :jpa, dbprops[:db], drop_tables_sql, create_tables_sql) # Apply the sql scripts to the database ant.sql :driver=>dbprops[:driver], :url=>dbprops[:url], :userid=>dbprops[:userid], :password=>dbprops[:password], :autocommit=>dbprops[:autocommit] do sqls.each { |sql| ant.transaction :src=>sql } end puts "Created(prepared) database: #{dbprops[:url]}." end end end end def prepare_configs(test, base) test.setup task("prepare_configs") do |task| if File.exist? SETTINGS require SETTINGS hibdbs = "" jpadbs = "" settings().each do |name, dbprops| dbs = (dbprops[:dao].downcase.include? "hib") ? hibdbs : jpadbs if dbprops[:db] == "derby" dbs <<= ", " if dbs.length > 0 dbs <<= (dbs == jpadbs ? "" : "") else test.with REQUIRES prepare_config(name, dbprops, "#{base}/target/conf.#{name}", "#{base}/src/test/webapp/WEB-INF/conf.template") dbs <<= ", " if dbs.length > 0 dbs <<= "#{base}/target/conf.#{name}" end end test.options[:properties]["org.apache.ode.hibdbs"] = hibdbs test.options[:properties]["org.apache.ode.jpadbs"] =jpadbs end end end def prepare_config(name, dbprops, db, template) rm_rf db if File.exist?(db) Dir.mkdir(db) Buildr.ant(name) do |ant| ant.copy :todir=>db do ant.fileset :dir=>template end ant.replace :file=>"#{db}/ode-axis2.properties", :token=>"@connfactory@", :value=>dbprops[:dao] ant.replace :file=>"#{db}/ode-axis2.properties", :token=>"@driver@", :value=>dbprops[:driver] ant.replace :file=>"#{db}/ode-axis2.properties", :token=>"@url@", :value=>dbprops[:url] ant.replace :file=>"#{db}/ode-axis2.properties", :token=>"@userid@", :value=>dbprops[:userid] ant.replace :file=>"#{db}/ode-axis2.properties", :token=>"@password@", :value=>dbprops[:password] puts "Created config directory: #{db}." end end def prepare_sqls(task, ant, sql_files, orm, db, drop_tables_sql, create_tables_sql) # read the create table sql into a string create_tables = "" File.open(create_tables_sql, "r") do |f1| while line = f1.gets create_tables <<= line end end # create the drop table sql file from the create table sql if orm == :hib and db == "sqlserver" File.open(drop_tables_sql, "w") do |f2| create_tables.gsub(/CREATE TABLE (.*?)[\s\(].*?;/mi) { |match| f2.puts "IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME='" << $1 << "') DROP TABLE " << $1 << ";\n" } # remove the 'go's in the sql f2.puts create_tables.gsub(/\ngo[\n$]/mi, "\n") end # add in the drop table sql file sql_files |= [drop_tables_sql] elsif orm == :jpa and db == "mysql" File.open(drop_tables_sql, "w") do |f2| create_tables.gsub(/CREATE TABLE (.*?)[\s\(].*?;/m) { |match| f2.puts "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " << $1 << ";\n" } end # add in the drop table sql file sql_files |= [drop_tables_sql] end # add in the create table sql file if orm == :hib and db != "sqlserver" ant.copy :file=>create_tables_sql, :tofile=>"#{task.name}/#{db}.sql" sql_files |= ["#{task.name}/#{db}.sql"] elsif orm == :jpa ant.copy :file=>create_tables_sql, :tofile=>"#{task.name}/#{db}.sql" sql_files |= ["#{task.name}/#{db}.sql"] end sql_files end protected # This will download all the required artifacts before returning a classpath, and we want to do this only once. def requires() @requires ||= Buildr.artifacts(REQUIRES).each(&:invoke).map(&:to_s).join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end end end