================================= Apache ODE - JS/E4X Extension ================================= This extension provides support for JavaScript/E4X expressions in BPEL extension activities and/or BPEL extensible assign operations. How to install ============== 1.) Copy ode-extensions-e4x-*.jar and lib/* in ODE's class path and register the extension bundle by adding the following line to ODE's configuration file. See README.extensions for details. For ODE/Axis2: ode-axis2.properties ode-axis2.extension.bundles.runtime = org.apache.ode.extension.e4x.JSExtensionBundle For ODE/JBI: ode-jbi.properties ode-jbi.extension.bundles.runtime = org.apache.ode.extension.e4x.JSExtensionBundle 2.) Start/restart ODE. How to use ============ 1.) Declare the extension namespace in BPEL by adding the following snippet before the first activity. 2a.) Use JS/E4X in activities: myVar.TestPart += ' World'; 2b.) Use JS/E4X in activities: if (goldRatio > 1.0 || silverRatio > 1.0) { throwFault('urn:myprocess', 'IllegalArgumentFault', 'discount ratios must be <= 1.0'); } if (customer.type == 'gold') { po.items.item.price *= goldRatio; } else if (customer.type = 'silver') { po.items.item.price *= silverRatio; } else if (customer.type = 'besteffort') { po.shippingMode = 'snailmail' }