============================================= Apache ODE - Extension Installation Guide ============================================= Since BPEL 2.0 it is possible to extend the language by user-defined activities and custom variable assignment mechanisms. Apache ODE supports these extensibility mechanisms and provides a plug-in architecture that allows for registering third-party extensions. 1.) Installation of extensions (WAR) 1) Copy the extension The extension bundle and its dependencies must be part of the class path. The easiest way to achieve this is to copy the extension jar to /WEB-INF/lib. 2) Register the extension Open /WEB-INF/conf/ode-axis2.properties and add/uncomment the following lines: ode-axis2.extension.bundles.runtime = fqcn.to.extension.bundle ode-axis2.extension.bundles.validation = fqcn.to.extension.bundle The validation entry is only necessary if your extension bundle also provides compile-time validators 3) Start/Restart Apache ODE 2.) Installation of extensions (JBI) 1) Embed the extension The extension bundle and its dependencies must be part of the class path. The easiest way is to add the extension jar to the JBI deployable. 2) Register the extension Extract and open ode-jbi.properties from ODE SE and add/uncomment the following lines: ode-jbi.extension.bundles.runtime = fqcn.to.extension.bundle ode-jbi.extension.bundles.validation = fqcn.to.extension.bundle The validation entry is only necessary if your extension bundle also provides compile-time validators. Re-add the properties file to the service engine archive and deploy it to the JBI container of choice.