/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import java.io.File def warname = project.build.directory+"/"+project.build.finalName+".war"; def webapp = project.build.directory + "/webapp"; def testresources = new File(project.basedir, 'src/test/webapp') log.info('-----Performing pre-integration test tasks-----'); log.info('extracting the axis2 war'); ant.unwar(src: warname , dest: webapp ) log.info('copying over the test webapp resources'); ant.copy(todir: webapp) { fileset(dir: testresources) { include(name: '**') } } //This was in buildr, don't know if it is needed //copy target/test-classes/TestEndpointProperties/*_global_conf*.endpoint to webapp/WEB-INF/conf prepare_secure_services_tests (new File(project.build.testOutputDirectory,'TestRampartBasic/secured-services'),~/sample\d+\.axis2/); prepare_secure_services_tests (new File(project.build.testOutputDirectory,'TestRampartPolicy/secured-services'),~/sample\d+\-policy\.xml/); prepare_secure_processes_tests (new File(project.build.testOutputDirectory,'TestRampartBasic/secured-processes')); prepare_secure_processes_tests (new File(project.build.testOutputDirectory,'TestRampartPolicy/secured-processes')); def prepare_secure_processes_tests(test_dir) { log.info('preparing the secure process tests in ' + test_dir); def p = ~/sample\d+\-service\.xml/; test_dir.eachFileMatch(p) { service_file -> def sample_name = service_file.getName().split('-')[0]; def proc_dir = test_dir.getAbsolutePath() +'/process-' + sample_name; ant.copy(todir: proc_dir) { fileset(dir: test_dir.getAbsolutePath()+'/process-template') { include(name: '**') } } ant.copy(file: service_file, tofile: proc_dir + '/HelloService.axis2'); } } def prepare_secure_services_tests(test_dir, file_pattern){ log.info('preparing the secure services tests with pattern '+file_pattern+' in ' + test_dir); test_dir.eachFileMatch(file_pattern) { config_file -> def sample_name = config_file.getName().split("\\.")[0]; def proc_dir = test_dir.getAbsolutePath() +'/process-' + sample_name; ant.filterset(id: sample_name+'_filter', begintoken: '{', endtoken: '}'){ filter(token: 'sample.namespace', value: 'http://'+ sample_name.replaceAll('-','.')+'.samples.rampart.apache.org'); filter(token: 'sample.service.name', value: sample_name); } ant.copy(todir: proc_dir) { fileset(dir: test_dir.getAbsolutePath()+'/process-template') { include(name: '**') } filterset(refid: sample_name+'_filter'); } ant.copy(todir: proc_dir, file: config_file){ filterset(refid: sample_name+'_filter'); } } }