20041129, John Xing Ontology plugin is a contribution from Michael J Pan . Currently it is used to do one kind of query refinement as implemented in refine-query-init.jsp and refine-query.jsp (both are called by search.jsp). By default, ontology plugin is compiled, but query refinement based on it is ignored in search.jsp. To enable query refinement, do the following (1) specify url(s) of owl files to property extension.ontology.urls in ./conf/nutch-default.xml (or better, ./conf/nutch-site.xml). (2) uncomment refine-query-init.jsp and refine-query.jsp in search.jsp If you want to check ontology defined by different owl file, modify property extension.ontology.urls in ./conf/nutch-default.xml (or better, ./conf/nutch-site.xml), and insert the following to ./bin/nutch: elif [ "$COMMAND" = "ontology" ] ; then for f in $NUTCH_HOME/build/plugins/ontology/*.jar; do CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:$f; done CLASS='org.apache.nutch.ontology.OntologyImpl' --------------- Possible issue: --------------- If search.jsp fails with this or similar error: ...... root cause java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: actualValueType at com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype.convertValidatedDataValue(XSDDatatype.java:371) ...... it is because jena and tomcat are using conflicting versions of the same xerces library. To solve this, one needs to update tomcat's xerces library. Here's a reference http://jena.sourceforge.net/jena-faq.html#general-1