~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description The <<>> component creates a DIV tag that contains images to produce rounded corners. The rounded effect can be either 3D with lighting effects or 2D with a solid color border. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Screen Shot [images/roundedDiv.png] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ API *--+--+ component-family | javax.faces.Output *--+--+ component-type | org.apache.myfaces.HtmlRoundedDiv *--+--+ component-class | org.apache.myfaces.custom.roundeddiv.HtmlRoundedDiv *--+--+ renderer-type | org.apache.myfaces.HtmlRoundedDiv *--+--+ renderer-class | org.apache.myfaces.custom.roundeddiv.HtmlRoundedDivRenderer *--+--+ tag-class | org.apache.myfaces.custom.roundeddiv.HtmlRoundedDivTag *--+--+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usage +--------+ ...Contents... +--------+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Syntax * \ <<>> - The background color of the corners. If null, a transparent background is used. Supports <<>> instance or <<>> parsable by <<>>. If the user is using IE6, this has to be set, or the corners will not look good due to IE6's lack of PNG support. (Default: null) <<>> - If set, a 2D border with this solid color will be used as the border. If null, a 3D border will be created. Supports <<>> instance or <<>> parsable by <<>>. (Default: null) <<>> (Required) - The foreground color. Supports <<>> instance or <<>> parsable by <<>>. <<>> - For 2D border, the size of the border in pixels, for 3D, the size of the area of the lighting effect in pixels. Supports <<>> or <<>> parsable by <<>>. (Default: 8) <<>> - The radius of the corners in pixels. Supports <<>> or <<>> parsable by <<>>. (Default: 8) <<>> - If given, a static size image will be produced. This could be useful for older browsers. If not given, the DIV that will be created will stretch to its contents using CSS2 (and CSS expressions in IE6). Supports <<>> or <<>> that consists of 2 numbers (typical format: WxH. Example: 640x480). (Default: null) <<>> - This allows you to specify a comma-separated list of corners to include. If not given, all four corners will be rendered. The corners include the sides they touch. So for example, if used as a tab for a tabbed pane, you could specify "topleft,topright" to have everything but the bottom corners and side have the border. Valid values are: topleft, topright, bottomright, bottomleft. (Default: null) <<>> - Flips the lightening/darkening effect for 3D borders. (Default: false) <<>> - Either "table" or "div". Specifies how the output should be rendered. Size must be null if using "table" (if it is not, a div will be rendered). (Default: div) <<>> - The CSS style to give to the content DIV or TD (based on layout) <<>> - The CSS style class to give to the content DIV or TD (based on layout)