<%@ page session="false" contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk" prefix="t"%> <%@include file="inc/head.inc" %> GraphicImageDynamic - graphic image without a dedicated servlet GraphicImageDynamic - text rendered as graphic image OutputLinkDynamic - resource serving from a link without a dedicated servlet Focus - a component to set a target component as the focus on page load. stateChangedNotifier - Shows a confirmation message if some of the fields in the form have changed timedNotifier - Shows a time triggered notification dialog DateTimeConverter - a datetime converter that uses system timezone as default valueChangeNotifier - Calls a custom valueChangeEvent method during MODEL_UPDATE Phase of the Faces Lifecycle Validation example 2 - including URL validator validateCompareTo - Compare values on two different components SubForm - Partial validation and model update with SubForms AccordionPanel Horizontal Menu InputSuggestAjax - Suggested items list through Ajax TableSuggestAjax - Suggested table through Ajax (choosing a row puts column values to specific dom nodes) AJAX Form Components - server side validation through ajax Input Suggest - Suggest without Ajax Schedule with sample entries Schedule with possibility for adding/removing entries Customizable schedule Schedule with custom styleClasses and custom EntryRenderer Example demonstrating the submitOnClick and mouseListener properties Automatically updated dataTable per AJAX selectOneRow - a DataTable Enhancement selectManyPicklist - A picklist, where you select components from a list and the selected items are displayed in another list ifMessage - renders its children only if there is a message in the FacesContext for the specified component(s) fishEyeNavigationMenu - the Dojo Toolkit FishEye widget Scopeshop1, an extended saveState Example showing a wizard Effect - DOJO and script.aculo.us effects Integration of Dojo Toolkit Kill Session - refreshes state Ajax-enabled combo box - reloads its contents when the value of another combo box is changed Conversation Tag examples