Maven 2 JavaCC plugin 
 Jesse McConnell <>
 July 27 2005

Maven 2 JavaCC plugin

 This plugin is for processing javacc files into java sources.

 This plugin will process all *.jj files in the sourceDirectory into a 
 common generated sources output directory.  This will occur during the 
 generate-resources phase and the sources directory will be added to the project
 for the compile phase.
Available Configuration Options: (param - default value)
 * sourceDirectory - src/main/javacc
 * outputDirectory - target/generated-sources/javacc
 * timestampDirectory - target (used so grammers are not constantly regenerated)
 * lookAhead - 1

 * choiceAmbiguityCheck - 2

 * otherAmbiguityCheck - 1

 * isStatic - true

 * debugParser - false

 * debugLookAhead - false

 * debugTokenManager - false

 * optimizeTokenManager - true

 * errorReporting - true

 * javaUnicodeEscape - false

 * unicodeInput - false

 * ignoreCase - false

 * commonTokenAction - false

 * userTokenManager - false

 * userCharStream - false

 * buildParser - true

 * buildTokenManager - true

 * sanityCheck - true

 * forceLaCheck - false

 * cacheTokens - false

 * keepLineColumn - true

project ... build plugins plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins/groupId artifactId maven-javacc-plugin/artifactId version 1.0/version executions execution goals goal generate/goal /goals /execution /executions /plugin /plugins ... /build ... /project -------------------