Project Documentation


Tag name: <t:inputCalendar>
UIComponent class: org.apache.myfaces.custom.calendar.HtmlInputCalendar
Tag class: org.apache.myfaces.custom.calendar.HtmlInputCalendarTag
Component type: org.apache.myfaces.HtmlInputCalendar
Component family: javax.faces.Input
Renderer type: org.apache.myfaces.Calendar
Renderer class: org.apache.myfaces.custom.calendar.HtmlCalendarRenderer

Provides a calendar. The calendar can be "inline", or a button can be rendered that displays the calendar in a "popup window" when clicked. Javascript is required for the popup window.

The two forms of calendar are unfortunately not well integrated; this component is effectively two components that happen to use the same component class. Some attributes on the component are applicable only to the inline form while others are applicable only to the popup form.

The appearance of the inline calendar can be controlled via attributes such as currentDayCellClass, dayCellClass, weekRowClass, monthYearRowClass. Attributes "styleLocation", "javascriptLocation", "imageLocation" and all attributes starting with "popup" have no effect on an inline calendar.

    The appearance of the popup calendar can be controlled via attributes popupTheme, styleLocation, javascriptLocation and imageLocation:

  • popupTheme: When styleLocation is not overridden then this selects one of the built-in themes ("WH" or "DB"); the default is "DB". This also selects the prefix used for the names of style classes attached to generated dom elements; all style names are of form "jscalendar-{popupTheme}-*".
  • styleLocation: specifies the URL of a directory in which a "theme.css" file exists. A reference to this theme.css file will automatically be output. Specifying "none" as the location prevents the generation of this stylesheet reference; it is assumed that the necessary style rules will be loaded via some other mechanism. Defaults to a reference to a location within the tomahawk jarfile which varies based on popupTheme.
  • javascriptLocation: specifies the URL of a directory in which all the necessary script files can be found. A reference to scripts "prototype.js", "date.js" and "popcalendar.js" will automatically be output. Specifying "none" prevents generation of these references; it is assumed that the necessary javascript functions will be loaded via some other mechanism. Defaults to a reference to a location within the tomahawk jarfile.
  • imageLocation: specifies the URL of a directory in which all the necessary icons are defined. Defaults to a reference to a location within the tomahawk jarfile which varies depending on popupTheme.
Other styling attributes (eg dayCellClass, weekRowClass) are ignored for the popup calendar.

Unless otherwise specified, all attributes accept static values or EL expressions.

Screen Shots

Popup No Popup


<t:inputCalendar [ HTML universal attributes ]
               [ HTML event handler attributes ]
               [ UIInput standard attributes (i.e. valueChangeListener) ]


Standard core tags (i.e. a new Converter can be set for value-bindings to values other than java.util.Date).

see examples/calendar.jsp for an example!


Name Type Supports EL? Description
accesskey String Yes HTML: Sets the access key for this element.
addResources boolean Yes Automatically add the input-calendar scripts and css files to the header - set that to false to provide the scripts yourself.
align String Yes HTML: Specifies the horizontal alignment of this element. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.
alt String Yes HTML: Specifies alternative text that can be used by a browser that can't show this element.
autocomplete String Yes Non HTML standard attribute to disable browser's autocomplete function.
binding org.apache.myfaces.custom.calendar.HtmlInputCalendar Only EL Identifies a backing bean property (of type UIComponent or appropriate subclass) to bind to this component instance. This value must be an EL expression.
converter javax.faces.convert.Converter Yes An expression that specifies the Converter for this component.

The value can either be a static value (ID) or an EL expression. When a static id is specified, an instance of the converter type registered with that id is used. When this is an EL expression, the result of evaluating the expression must be an object that implements the Converter interface.

converterMessage String Yes Text to be displayed to the user as an error message when conversion of a submitted value to the target type fails.

currentDayCellClass String Yes CSS class to be used for the TD element of the currently selected date.
datafld String Yes Reserved for future use.
dataformatas String Yes Reserved for future use.
datasrc String Yes Reserved for future use.
dateBusinessConverter org.apache.myfaces.custom.calendar.DateBusinessConverter Yes Indicate an object used as a bridge between the java.util.Date instance used by this component internally and the value object used on the bean, referred as a "business" value.
  • If the value is literal, look for the mentioned class instance, create a new instance and assign to the component property.
  • If it the value a EL Expression, set the expression to the component property.
dayCellClass String Yes CSS class to be used for the TD element containing a day days.
dir String Yes HTML: The direction of text display, either 'ltr' (left-to-right) or 'rtl' (right-to-left).
disabled boolean Yes HTML: When true, this element cannot receive focus.
disabledOnClientSide boolean Yes If true the input is rendered disabled on the client side and a hidden input is used to actualy submit his value back to the server.
displayValueOnly Boolean Yes If true, renders only the value of the component, but no input widget. Default is false.
displayValueOnlyStyle String Yes Style used when displayValueOnly is true.
displayValueOnlyStyleClass String Yes Style class used when displayValueOnly is true.
enabledOnUserRole String Yes If user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, no hyperlink is rendered but all nested tags (=body) are rendered.
forceId boolean No If true, this component will force the use of the specified id when rendering.
forceIdIndex boolean No If false, this component will not append a '[n]' suffix (where 'n' is the row index) to components that are contained within a "list." This value will be true by default and the value will be ignored if the value of forceId is false (or not specified.)
helpText String Yes The text that will be rendered in the field - helping the user to find the right format to enter into the field.
id String Yes Get a string which uniquely identifies this UIComponent within the scope of the nearest ancestor NamingContainer component. The id is not necessarily unique across all components in the current view.
imageLocation String Yes An alternate location to find image resources. If no values is specified, images will be loaded from the resources directory using AddResource and ExtensionsFilter.
immediate boolean Yes A boolean value that identifies the phase during which action events should fire.

During normal event processing, action methods and action listener methods are fired during the "invoke application" phase of request processing. If this attribute is set to "true", these methods are fired instead at the end of the "apply request values" phase.

javascriptLocation String Yes An alternate location to find javascript resources. If no values is specified, javascript will be loaded from the resources directory using AddResource and ExtensionsFilter.
label String Yes A display name for this component.
lang String Yes HTML: The base language of this document.
maxlength int Yes HTML: The maximum number of characters allowed to be entered.
monthYearRowClass String Yes CSS class to be used on the TR element for the header-row showing month and year.
onblur String Yes HTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element loses focus.
onchange String Yes HTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is modified.
onclick String Yes HTML: Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.
ondblclick String Yes HTML: Script to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.
onfocus String Yes HTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element receives focus.
onkeydown String Yes HTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.
onkeypress String Yes HTML: Script to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.
onkeyup String Yes HTML: Script to be invoked when a key is released over this element.
onmousedown String Yes HTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.
onmousemove String Yes HTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.
onmouseout String Yes HTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.
onmouseover String Yes HTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.
onmouseup String Yes HTML: Script to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.
onselect String Yes HTML: Specifies a script to be invoked when the element is selected.
popupButtonImageUrl String Yes Url to the image for this popupButton.
popupButtonString String Yes Defines the string displayed on the button which leads to the calendar-popup-window (... by default).
popupButtonStyle String Yes Defines the css style for the button which leads to the calendar-popup-window.
popupButtonStyleClass String Yes Defines the css style class for the button which leads to the calendar-popup-window.
popupDateFormat String Yes Defines the date format used by the java-script popup on client.
popupGotoString String Yes Set the string for "Go To Current Month"
popupLeft boolean Yes Render the input-calendar left of the button, not right like normally done.
popupScrollLeftMessage String Yes Set the string for scrolling to the left.
popupScrollRightMessage String Yes Set the string for scrolling to the right.
popupSelectDateMessage String Yes Set the string for "Select [date] as date" (do not replace [date], it will be replaced by the current date).
popupSelectMode String Yes

May be "day", "week", "month" or "none":

  • day (default): allow the user to select a day.
  • week: only allow the user to select a week.
  • month: only allow the user to select a month.
  • none: equivalent to "readonly".
popupSelectMonthMessage String Yes Set the string for "Click to select a month".
popupSelectYearMessage String Yes Set the string for "Click to select a year".
popupTheme String Yes Set the theme-prefix for this component.
popupTodayDateFormat String Yes Defines the date format used by the java-script popup on client for the today-is string.
popupTodayString String Yes Set the string for "Today is"
popupWeekString String Yes Set the string for "Wk"
readonly boolean Yes HTML: When true, indicates that this component cannot be modified by the user. The element may receive focus unless it has also been disabled.
renderAsPopup boolean Yes Render the input-calendar as a java-script popup on client.
renderPopupButtonAsImage boolean Yes If true, renders a calendar icon instead of the button to pop up the calendar.
rendered boolean Yes A boolean value that indicates whether this component should be rendered. Default value: true.
required boolean Yes A boolean value that indicates whether an input value is required.

If this value is true and no input value is provided by a postback operation, then the "requiredMessage" text is registered as a FacesMessage for the request, and validation fails.

Default value: false.

requiredMessage String Yes Text to be displayed to the user as an error message when this component is marked as "required" but no input data is present during a postback (ie the user left the required field blank).
size int Yes HTML: The initial width of this control, in characters.
style String Yes HTML: CSS styling instructions.
styleClass String Yes The CSS class for this element. Corresponds to the HTML 'class' attribute.
styleLocation String Yes An alternate location to find stylesheet resources. If no values is specified, stylesheets will be loaded from the resources directory using AddResource and ExtensionsFilter.
tabindex String Yes HTML: Specifies the position of this element within the tab order of the document.
title String Yes HTML: An advisory title for this element. Often used by the user agent as a tooltip.
validator javax.faces.el.MethodBinding Only EL A method-binding EL expression which is invoked during the validation phase for this component.

The invoked method is expected to check the submitted value for this component, and if not acceptable then report a validation error for the component.

The method is expected to have the prototype

public void aMethod(FacesContext, UIComponent,Object)
validatorMessage String Yes Text which will be shown if validation fails.
value Object Yes Gets The initial value of this component.
valueChangeListener javax.faces.el.MethodBinding Only EL A method which is invoked during postback processing for the current view if the submitted value for this component is not equal to the value which the "value" expression for this component returns.

The phase in which this method is invoked can be controlled via the immediate attribute.

visibleOnUserRole String Yes If user is in given role, this component will be rendered normally. If not, nothing is rendered and the body of this tag will be skipped.
weekRowClass String Yes CSS class to be used on the TR element for the header-row showing the week-days.