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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4    * distributed with this work for additional information
5    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8    * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    *
10   *
11   *
12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13   * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15   * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
16   * specific language governing permissions and limitations
17   * under the License.
18   */
20  package org.apache.myfaces.tobago.internal.renderkit.renderer;
22  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.internal.component.AbstractUIStyle;
23  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.internal.context.Nonce;
24  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.internal.util.StringUtils;
25  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.internal.util.StyleRenderUtils;
26  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.layout.Display;
27  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.layout.GridSpan;
28  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.layout.Measure;
29  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.layout.Overflow;
30  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.layout.Position;
31  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.layout.TextAlign;
32  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.renderkit.RendererBase;
33  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.renderkit.css.Styles;
34  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.renderkit.html.HtmlAttributes;
35  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.renderkit.html.HtmlElements;
36  import org.apache.myfaces.tobago.webapp.TobagoResponseWriter;
38  import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
39  import;
41  public class StyleRenderer<T extends AbstractUIStyle> extends RendererBase<T> {
43    @Override
44    public void encodeBeginInternal(final FacesContext facesContext, final T component) throws IOException {
46      final TobagoResponseWriter writer = getResponseWriter(facesContext);
48      final String file = component.getFile();
49      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(file)) {
51        writer.startElement(HtmlElements.LINK);
52        writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.REL, "stylesheet", false);
53        writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.HREF, file, true);
54  //    writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.MEDIA, "screen", false);
55        writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.TYPE, "text/css", false);
56        writer.endElement(HtmlElements.LINK);
58  /* tbd: check, if this
59        writer.startElement(HtmlElements.STYLE);
60        writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.TYPE, "text/css", false);
61        writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.NONCE, Nonce.getNonce(facesContext), false);
62  //    writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.MEDIA, "screen", false);
63        writer.writeText("@import url(");
64        writer.writeText(file);
65        writer.writeText(");");
66        writer.endElement(HtmlElements.STYLE);
67  */
69      } else {
71        final Measure width = component.getWidth();
72        final Measure height = component.getHeight();
73        final Measure minWidth = component.getMinWidth();
74        final Measure minHeight = component.getMinHeight();
75        final Measure maxWidth = component.getMaxWidth();
76        final Measure maxHeight = component.getMaxHeight();
77        final Measure left = component.getLeft();
78        final Measure right = component.getRight();
79        final Measure top = component.getTop();
80        final Measure bottom = component.getBottom();
81        final Measure paddingLeft = component.getPaddingLeft();
82        final Measure paddingRight = component.getPaddingRight();
83        final Measure paddingTop = component.getPaddingTop();
84        final Measure paddingBottom = component.getPaddingBottom();
85        final Measure marginLeft = component.getMarginLeft();
86        final Measure marginRight = component.getMarginRight();
87        final Measure marginTop = component.getMarginTop();
88        final Measure marginBottom = component.getMarginBottom();
89        final Overflow overflowX = component.getOverflowX();
90        final Overflow overflowY = component.getOverflowY();
91        final Display display = component.getDisplay();
92        final Position position = component.getPosition();
93        final TextAlign textAlign = component.getTextAlign();
94        final String backgroundImage = component.getBackgroundImage();
95        final Number flexGrow = component.getFlexGrow();
96        final Number flexShrink = component.getFlexShrink();
97        final Measure flexBasis = component.getFlexBasis();
98        final String gridTemplateColumns = component.getGridTemplateColumns();
99        final String gridTemplateRows = component.getGridTemplateRows();
100       final GridSpan gridColumn = component.getGridColumn();
101       final GridSpan gridRow = component.getGridRow();
103       // todo: backgroundPosition and zIndex
105       if (width != null
106           || height != null
107           || minWidth != null
108           || minHeight != null
109           || maxWidth != null
110           || maxHeight != null
111           || left != null
112           || right != null
113           || top != null
114           || bottom != null
115           || paddingLeft != null
116           || paddingRight != null
117           || paddingTop != null
118           || paddingBottom != null
119           || marginLeft != null
120           || marginRight != null
121           || marginTop != null
122           || marginBottom != null
123           || overflowX != null
124           || overflowY != null
125           || display != null
126           || position != null
127           || textAlign != null
128           || backgroundImage != null
129           || flexGrow != null
130           || flexShrink != null
131           || flexBasis != null
132           || gridTemplateColumns != null
133           || gridTemplateRows != null
134           || gridColumn != null
135           || gridRow != null) {
137         writer.startElement(HtmlElements.STYLE);
138         writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.NONCE, Nonce.getNonce(facesContext), false);
139         writer.writeIdAttribute(component.getClientId(facesContext));
140         final String selector = component.getSelector();
141         if (selector != null) {
142           StyleRenderUtils.writeSelector(writer, selector);
143         } else {
144           final String parentId = component.getParent().getClientId(facesContext);
145           StyleRenderUtils.writeIdSelector(writer, parentId);
146         }
147         writer.writeText("{");
148         if (width != null) {
149           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.width, width.serialize());
150         }
151         if (height != null) {
152           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.height, height.serialize());
153         }
154         if (minWidth != null) {
155           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.minWidth, minWidth.serialize());
156         }
157         if (minHeight != null) {
158           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.minHeight, minHeight.serialize());
159         }
160         if (maxWidth != null) {
161           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.maxWidth, maxWidth.serialize());
162         }
163         if (maxHeight != null) {
164           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.maxHeight, maxHeight.serialize());
165         }
166         if (left != null) {
167           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.left, left.serialize());
168         }
169         if (right != null) {
170           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.right, right.serialize());
171         }
172         if (top != null) {
173           encodeStyle(writer,, top.serialize());
174         }
175         if (bottom != null) {
176           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.bottom, bottom.serialize());
177         }
178         if (paddingLeft != null) {
179           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.paddingLeft, paddingLeft.serialize());
180         }
181         if (paddingRight != null) {
182           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.paddingRight, paddingRight.serialize());
183         }
184         if (paddingTop != null) {
185           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.paddingTop, paddingTop.serialize());
186         }
187         if (paddingBottom != null) {
188           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.paddingBottom, paddingBottom.serialize());
189         }
190         if (marginLeft != null) {
191           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.marginLeft, marginLeft.serialize());
192         }
193         if (marginRight != null) {
194           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.marginRight, marginRight.serialize());
195         }
196         if (marginTop != null) {
197           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.marginTop, marginTop.serialize());
198         }
199         if (marginBottom != null) {
200           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.marginBottom, marginBottom.serialize());
201         }
202         if (overflowX != null) {
203           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.overflowX,;
204         }
205         if (overflowY != null) {
206           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.overflowY,;
207         }
208         if (display != null) {
209           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.display, display.encode());
210         }
211         if (position != null) {
212           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.position,;
213         }
214         if (textAlign != null) {
215           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.textAlign,;
216         }
217         if (backgroundImage != null) {
218           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.backgroundImage, backgroundImage);
219         }
220         if (flexGrow != null) {
221           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.flexGrow, String.valueOf(flexGrow));
222         }
223         if (flexShrink != null) {
224           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.flexShrink, String.valueOf(flexShrink));
225         }
226         if (flexBasis != null) {
227           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.flexBasis, flexBasis.serialize());
228         }
229         if (gridTemplateColumns != null) {
230           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.gridTemplateColumns, gridTemplateColumns);
231           encodeStyle(writer, "-ms-grid-columns", gridTemplateColumns);
232         }
233         if (gridTemplateRows != null) {
234           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.gridTemplateRows, gridTemplateRows);
235           encodeStyle(writer, "-ms-grid-rows", gridTemplateRows);
236         }
237         if (gridColumn != null) {
238           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.gridColumn, gridColumn.encode());
239           encodeStyle(writer, "-ms-grid-column", gridColumn.getStart());
240           encodeStyle(writer, "-ms-grid-column-span", gridColumn.getSpan());
241         }
242         if (gridRow != null) {
243           encodeStyle(writer, Styles.gridRow, gridRow.encode());
244           encodeStyle(writer, "-ms-grid-row", gridRow.getStart());
245           encodeStyle(writer, "-ms-grid-row-span", gridRow.getSpan());
246         }
247         writer.writeText("}");
249         writer.endElement(HtmlElements.STYLE);
250       }
251     }
252   }
254   private void encodeStyle(
255       final TobagoResponseWriter writer, final Styles name, final String value) throws IOException {
256     writer.writeText(name.getCssName());
257     writer.writeText(":");
258     switch (name) {
259       case backgroundImage:
260         writer.writeText("url(");
261         writer.write("'");
262         writer.writeText(value);
263         writer.write("'");
264         writer.writeText(")");
265         break;
266       default:
267         writer.writeText(value);
269     }
270     writer.writeText(";");
271   }
273 // XXX remove me
274   private void encodeStyle(final TobagoResponseWriter writer, final String name, final String value)
275       throws IOException {
276     writer.writeText(name);
277     writer.writeText(":");
278     writer.writeText(value);
279     writer.writeText(";");
280   }
282 // XXX remove me
283   private void encodeStyle(final TobagoResponseWriter writer, final String name, final Integer value)
284       throws IOException {
285     if (value != null) {
286       writer.writeText(name);
287       writer.writeText(":");
288       writer.writeText(value.toString());
289       writer.writeText(";");
290     }
291   }
292 }