Apache MyFaces

The Team

A successful project requires many people to play many roles. Some members write code or documentation, while others are valuable as testers, submitting patches and suggestions.

The team is comprised of Members and Contributors. Members have direct access to the source of a project and actively evolve the code-base. Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions to the Members. The number of Contributors to the project is unbounded. Get involved today. All contributions to the project are greatly appreciated.


The following is a list of developers with commit privileges that have directly contributed to the project in one way or another.

Id Name Email Organization Organization URL Roles Time Zone Actual Time (GMT)
arobinson74 Andrew Robinson arobinson74@apache.org Oracle, Colorado http://www.oracle.com/ PMC -7 -7
grantsmith Grant Smith grantsmith@apache.org Object Systems Development Corporation, USA http://osdcorp.com/ PMC -8 -8
jankeesvanandel Jan-Kees van Andel jankeesvanandel@apache.org Ordina J-Technologies, The Netherlands http://www.ordina.com/ PMC +1 +1
manolito Manfred Geiler manolito@apache.org IRIAN.at, Austria http://www.irian.at/ Founder of MyFaces, JSR-252 JSF 1.2 EG member, PMC +1 +1
mmarinschek Martin Marinschek mmarinschek@apache.org IRIAN.at, Austria http://www.irian.at/ PMC +1 +1
mbenson Matt Benson mbenson@apache.org - - - -6 -6
matzew Matthias Wessendorf matzew@apache.org Kaazing http://kaazing.com/ PMC +1 +1
hennes Philippe Hennes hennes@apache.org OpenKnowledge GmbH, Germany - - +1 +1
sobryan Scott O'Bryan sobryan@apache.org Oracle, U.S.A http://www.oracle.com PMC, Portlet Bridge Project Lead -7 -7
tomsp Thomas Spiegl tomsp@apache.org IRIAN.at, Austria http://www.irian.at/ PMC +1 +1
baranda Bruno Aranda baranda@apache.org European Bioinformatics Institute, EMBL, UK http://www.ebi.ac.uk PMC 0 0
lofwyr Udo Schnurpfeil lofwyr@apache.org IRIAN, Germany http://www.irian.eu PMC +1 +1
werpu Werner Punz werpu@apache.org Media Data GmbH, Austria - Mister "Ajax" +1 +1
ssilvert Stan Silvert ssilvert@apache.org JBoss/Blog/organization http://jboss.org/jbossBlog/blog/Stan%20Silvert/ Portlets Guru - -
mkienenb Mike Kienenberger mkienenb@apache.org - - PMC - -
weber Volker Weber weber@apache.org inexso GmbH, Germany http://www.inexso.de PMC +1 +1
bommel Bernd Bohmann bommel@apache.org IRIAN, Germany http://www.irian.eu PMC +1 +1
imario Mario Ivankovits imario@apache.org OPS EDV GmbH http://www.ops.co.at PMC +1 +1
cagatay Cagatay Civici cagatay@apache.org - - PMC +2 +2
gpetracek Gerhard Petracek gpetracek@apache.org IRIAN.at, Austria http://www.irian.at/ PMC Chair +1 +1
ckormos Catalin Kormos ckormos@apache.org CODEBEAT S.R.L, Romania http://www.codebeat.ro/ - +2 +2
slessard Simon Lessard slessard@apache.org Fujitsu Consulting http://www.dmrconseil.ca/ PMC -5 -5
lu4242 Leonardo Uribe lu4242@apache.org IRIAN.at, Austria http://www.irian.at/ PMC -5 -5
gcrawford Gabrielle Crawford gcrawford@apache.org Oracle Corp - Developer -8 -8
jwaldman Jeanne Waldman jwaldman@apache.org Oracle Corp - Developer -8 -8
mcooper Matt Cooper mcooper@apache.org Oracle Corp - Developer -7 -7
mstarets Max Starets mstarets@apache.org Oracle Corp - PMC -5 -5
hazems Hazem Saleh hazems@apache.org IBM, Egypt http://www.ibm.com/eg/ committer +2 +2
ganesh Ganesh Jung ganesh@apache.org J4Fry http://www.j4fry.org committer +2 +2
mconcini Michael Concini mconcini@apache.org IBM http://www.ibm.com committer -5 -5
cjhoward Curtiss Howard cjhoward@apache.org - - committer -5 -5
muthaman Mamallan Uthaman muthaman@apache.org Oracle Corp - committer -8 -8
bsullivan Blake Sullivan blake.sullivan@oracle.com Oracle Corp - Developer -8 -8
jakobk Jakob Korherr jakobk@apache.org IRIAN.at, Austria http://www.irian.at/ PMC +1 +1
rdebusscher Rudy De Busscher rdebusscher@apache.org - - committer +1 +1
aliok Ali Ok aliok@apache.org Innflow AG http://www.innflow.com committer +2 +2
martinkoci Martin Koci martinkoci@apache.org - - PMC +1 +1
andys Andy Schwartz andys@apache.org Oracle http://www.oracle.com/ committer -5 -5
struberg Mark Struberg struberg@apache.org - - PMC +1 +1
mkurz Michael Kurz mkurz@apache.org - - committer +1 +1
dhoersch Dennis Hoersch dhoersch@apache.org - - committer +1 +1
paulnicolucci Paul Nicolucci paulnicolucci@apache.org IBM http://www.ibm.com committer -5 -5


The following additional people have contributed to this project through the way of suggestions, patches or documentation.

Name Email Organization Organization URL Roles Time Zone Actual Time (GMT)
Matt Blum - - - Portlets Guru - -
Jiri Zaloudek - - - WML RenderKit - -
Joerg Artaker - - - AutoupdateDataTable - -
Thomas Huber - - - AutoupdateDataTable - -
Thomas Obereder - - - InputTextHelp - -
Jesse Wilson - - - NewspaperDataTable - -
Peter Mahoney - Digital Brain http://www.digitalbrain.com Schedule - -
Adam Winer awiner@apache.org - - Developer, Emeritus -8 -8
Anton Koinov koinov@apache.org - - PMC, Emeritus - -
Arvid Hülsebus idus@apache.org atanion GmbH, Germany - Emeritus +1 +1
Bernhard Huemer bhuemer@apache.org IRIAN.at, Austria http://www.irian.at/ Emeritus +1 +1
Bill Dudney bdudney@apache.org - - PMC, Emeritus - -
Cristian Toth ctoth@apache.org CODEBEAT S.R.L, Romania http://www.codebeat.ro/ Emeritus +2 +2
Dennis Byrne dennisbyrne@apache.org ThoughtWorks http://www.thoughtworks.com PMC, Emeritus -6 -6
Detlef Bartetzko pleff@apache.org atanion GmbH, Germany - Emeritus +1 +1
Ernst Fastl efastl@apache.org IRIAN.at, Austria http://www.irian.at/ Emeritus +1 +1
Gerald Muellan gmuellan@apache.org IRIAN.at, Austria http://www.irian.at/index.jsp?lang=en PMC, Emeritus +1 +1
James Mitchell jmitchell@apache.org EdgeTech, Inc.,United States of America www.edgetechservices.net Emeritus -5 -5
Jurgen Lust jlust@apache.org BeeWorks http://www.beeworks.be Emeritus +1 +1
Lance Frohman lfrohman@apache.org - - Emeritus -8 -8
Mathias Broekelmann mbr@apache.org PSI Information Management GmbH, Germany http://www.psi-im.de Emeritus +1 +1
Oliver Rossmueller oros@apache.org - - PMC, Emeritus +1 +1
Paul Spencer paulsp@apache.org - - Emeritus -5 -5
Paul McMahan pmcmahan@apache.org - - Emeritus -5 -5
Sean Schofield schof@apache.org - - PMC, Emeritus -5 -5
Sharath Reddy sharathreddy@yahoo.com N.A. N.A. Emeritus +5.5 +5.5
Simon Kitching skitching@apache.org - - PMC, Emeritus +1 +1
Sylvain Vieujot svieujot@apache.org - - PMC, Emeritus +4 +4
Ted Husted husted@apache.org - - PMC, ASF Member, Struts PMC, Jakarta PMC, MyFaces Emeritus - -
Travis Reeder prophecy@apache.org - - PMC - -
Wendy Smoak wsmoak@apache.org - - Emeritus -7 -7
Alexander Bell - - - Emeritus - -
craig r. mcclanahan - - - Emeritus - -
daniel robinson - - - Emeritus - -
james holmes - - - Emeritus - -
john robert fallows - - - Emeritus - -