Apache MyFaces
Project Documentation


Tag name: <mcv:validateDateRestriction>
Validator class: org.apache.myfaces.commons.validator.DateRestrictionValidator
Tag class: org.apache.myfaces.commons.validator.ValidateDateRestrictionTag
validator id: org.apache.myfaces.commons.validator.DateRestriction
Validate that the date entered is within a given restriction.


Name Type Supports EL? Description
detailMessage String Yes alternate validation error detail message format string (use 'message' and 'detailMessage' alternatively)
invalidDays org.apache.myfaces.commons.validator.model.DateListProvider Yes To specifiy a concrete List of Dates, use the invalidDays attribute and wire it to a DateListProvider implementation. This returns a list of dates, which are invalid.
invalidDaysOfWeek String[] Yes Specify the weekdays which are invalid for your use case. The attribute takes whitespace delimited list of weekdays. Possible values are sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat.
invalidMonths String[] Yes Specify the month which are invalid for your use case. The attribute takes a whitespace delimited list of months. Possible values are jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec.
message String Yes alternate validation error detail message format string (use 'message' and 'detailMessage' alternatively)
summaryMessage String Yes alternate validation error summary message format string