@echo off if "%TCK_TEST_FILE%"=="" ( if "%TCK_CONFIG_HOME%"=="" ( echo Test definition file not found. Either set TCK_TEST_FILE to point to a test definition file or set TCK_CONFIG_HOME to point to a directory with a test definition file called test.xml in it. goto:eof ) if not exist "%TCK_CONFIG_HOME%"\test.xml ( echo Test definition file not found goto:eof ) set TCK_TEST_FILE=%TCK_CONFIG_HOME%\test.xml ) if "%TCK_LOGIN_FILE%"=="" ( rem Look for login.properties in TCK HOME dir if "%TCK_CONFIG_HOME%"=="" ( echo Login properties file not found goto:eof ) if not exist "%TCK_CONFIG_HOME%"\login.properties ( echo Login properties file not found goto:eof ) set TCK_LOGIN_FILE=%TCK_CONFIG_HOME%\login.properties ) if "%TCK_CLIENT_HOST%"=="" ( echo TCK_CLIENT_HOST environment variable must be set goto:eof ) if "%TCK_CLIENT_PORT%"=="" ( echo TCK_CLIENT_PORT environment variable must be set goto:eof ) echo TCK properties echo -------------- echo Test definition file location: %TCK_TEST_FILE% echo Login properties file: %TCK_LOGIN_FILE% echo Client host: %TCK_CLIENT_HOST% echo Client port: %TCK_CLIENT_PORT% mvn clean surefire-report:report -Dtck.external-server=run-test -Dbridge.tck.test.file=%TCK_TEST_FILE% -Dbridge.tck.test.host=%TCK_CLIENT_HOST% -Dbridge.tck.test.port=%TCK_CLIENT_PORT% -Dbridge.tck.login-file=%TCK_LOGIN_FILE%