How to build... This project is dependant on the Portlet 2.0 libraries. These libraries have not yet been released into a Maven repository. As such in order to build this project you must checkout the Portlet 2.0 api from subversion at and run "mvn install" on it's root directory. Make sure that you have the apache snapshots directory in your settings.xml before you run maven: ... apache.snapshots false true Once this is done, you should be able to build this project as normal. When the Portlet 2.0 api is made available, this step will no longer be necessary and this README file may be removed. How to deploy website and snapshots... Because of it's dependency on the Portlet 2.0 api, neither this projects website nor its snapshots are deployed though the continuum build. To deploy website run "mvn clean site-deploy" on the root project. To deploy the snapshots, run "mvn clean deploy".