Web Context Parameters

MyFaces core behavior can be customized, adding some web config params into your WEB-INF/web.xml file for your custom project in this way:


Below is the list of available web context parameters supported:

#if ($baseContent) $baseContent #end ## ----------------------------- PROPERTY MACROS ----------------------------- ## ## ------------------------------- ## writeWebConfigParamRow ## ------------------------------- ## #macro(writeWebConfigParamRow $webConfigParam) $webConfigParam.name #if ($webConfigParam.since) $webConfigParam.since #else #end #if ($webConfigParam.defaultValue) $webConfigParam.defaultValue #else #end #if ($webConfigParam.description) $webConfigParam.description #elseif ($webConfigParam.longDescription) $webConfigParam.longDescription #else #end #end ## ## ----------------------------- END PROPERTY MACROS ------------------------- ##

Click on the name of each param to find detailed information about each one of them.

The "since" column means the version since the param was added. Note this param is not "lineal", so please check the release dates on myfaces issue tracker to know if an specified version has or not the selected param. For example, if a param was added on 2.0.7, it means that 2.1.1 has the parameter because it was released on the same time, but 2.1.0 will not have it, because it was released before that date.

#set ($webConfigGroups = ${model.getWebConfigGroups($modelIds)}) #set ($webConfigGroupsLabel = {"resources" : "Resources (resource)", "validation" : "Conversion and Validation (validation)", "state" : "State Saving (state)", "EL" : "Expression Language (EL)", "viewhandler" : "View Handling (viewhandler)", "render" : "Rendering (render)"} ) #foreach( $webConfigGroup in $webConfigGroups ) #if (${webConfigGroupsLabel.containsKey($webConfigGroup)}) #set ($groupLabel = $webConfigGroupsLabel.get($webConfigGroup)) #else #set ($groupLabel = $webConfigGroup) #end

$groupLabel Configuration Params

#set ($webConfigList = ${model.getWebConfigs()}) #foreach( $webConfig in $webConfigList ) #if ($modelIds.contains($webConfig.modelId)) #set ($webConfigParamList = ${webConfig.getWebConfigParametersList()}) #foreach( $webConfigParam in $webConfigParamList ) #if ($webConfigParam.group == $webConfigGroup) #writeWebConfigParamRow($webConfigParam) #end #end #end #end
Name Since Default Value Short Description

Other Configuration Params

#set ($webConfigList = ${model.getWebConfigs()}) #foreach( $webConfig in $webConfigList ) #if ($modelIds.contains($webConfig.modelId)) #set ($webConfigParamList = ${webConfig.getWebConfigParametersList()}) #foreach( $webConfigParam in $webConfigParamList ) #if (!$webConfigParam.group) #writeWebConfigParamRow($webConfigParam) #elseif ($webConfigParam.group == "") #writeWebConfigParamRow($webConfigParam) #end #end #end #end
Name Since Default Value Short Description
#foreach( $webConfig in $webConfigList ) #if ($modelIds.contains($webConfig.modelId))

Artifact Id: $webConfig.modelId

#set ($webConfigParamList = ${webConfig.getWebConfigParametersList()}) #foreach( $webConfigParam in $webConfigParamList ) #end

Param Name: $webConfigParam.name
#if ($webConfigParam.defaultValue) Default Value: $webConfigParam.defaultValue
#end #if ($webConfigParam.expectedValues) Expected Values: $webConfigParam.expectedValues
#end #if ($webConfigParam.since) Since: $webConfigParam.since
#end Group: #if ($webConfigParam.group)$webConfigParam.group#end
Tags: #if ($webConfigParam.tags)$webConfigParam.tags#end
#if ($webConfigParam.sourceClassName.startsWith("javax.faces.")) #set ($javadocPath = "../myfaces-api/xref/" + $webConfigParam.sourceClassName.replace('.', '/') ) #elseif ($webConfigParam.sourceClassName.startsWith("org.apache.myfaces.shared.")) #set ($javadocPath = "../myfaces-impl-shared/xref/" + $webConfigParam.sourceClassName.replace('.', '/') ) #else #set ($javadocPath = "./xref/" + $webConfigParam.sourceClassName.replace('.', '/') ) #end Source Class: $webConfigParam.sourceClassName
#if ($webConfigParam.longDescription) Description:
$webConfigParam.longDescription #elseif ($webConfigParam.description) Description:
$webConfigParam.description #else Description: no description available yet.

#end #end