# These are the subproject build properties used to perform the build. They allow the same build script # to be used to build the entire project or a specific subproject. They should not be changed by the user. subproject.dir = ${basedir}/../ temp.dir = ${basedir}/temp src.dir = ${subproject.dir}/src/java:${share.src.dir} test.src.dir = ${subproject.dir}/src/test test.classes.dir = ${temp.dir}/tests/classes test.reports.dir = ${temp.dir}/tests/reports test.suffix = **/*Test.java cactus.lib.dir = ${lib.dir}/cactus cactus.src.dir = ${subproject.dir}/src/test cactus.web.context = tomahawk-cactus-tests cactus.dir = ${build.dir}/cactus cactus.classes.dir = ${cactus.dir}/classes cactus.reports.dir = ${cactus.dir}/reports cactus.suffix = **/*Cactus.java has.cactus.tests = true tomcat5x.container.dir = ${cactus.dir}/tomcat5x tomcat5x.container.port = 9090 jar.file = myfaces-impl.jar jar.include.pattern = org/**/*.class jar.fileset2.dir = ${subproject.dir}/src/java jar.include2.pattern = ** jar.exclude2.pattern = **/*.java **/package.html tlds.dir = ${subproject.dir}/tld tlds.stylesheet = ${tlds.dir}/misc/resolve_entities.xsl tlds.dtd = ${tlds.dir}/misc/web-jsptaglibrary_1_2.dtd resolved-tlds.dir = ${temp.dir}/tlds zip.fileset.dir = ${temp.dir}/tlds zip.fileset.inc.pat = *.tld zip.fileset.prefix = META-INF/ javadoc.title = Apache MyFaces: Impl javadoc.package = org.apache.* generate.tlddoc = yes