Release Notes - MyFaces - Version 1.1.1 ** Bug * [MYFACES-233] - Can't submit an empty date with x:inputDate * [MYFACES-370] - inputCalendar - popup - styles and other properties - problem * [MYFACES-383] - x:inputCalendar and conversion/validation errors * [MYFACES-401] - CommandLink tag override onsubmit function of Form * [MYFACES-445] - inputCalendar popup calendar displays incorrectly if year field is left blank * [MYFACES-456] - enabledOnUserRole attribute malfunction * [MYFACES-461] - _SharedRendererUtils.getConvertedUISelectManyValue converting values with no valuebinding * [MYFACES-464] - UIInput.submittedValue is set to empty string even if there is no submitted value in the request * [MYFACES-475] - No Exception thrown when argument provided to ApplicationFactory.setApplication(Application) was null. * [MYFACES-477] - does not work within portlet * [MYFACES-480] - implement enabledClass/disabledClass support in h:select* tags and renderers * [MYFACES-483] - HtmlSelectManyMenu: validate throws ClassCastException * [MYFACES-484] - UIForm.saveState must not alter the state of the component * [MYFACES-489] - before doesn't work * [MYFACES-491] - SelectOneCountry & SelectOneLanguage don't validate * [MYFACES-492] - UISelectMany doesn't validate * [MYFACES-493] - No exception thrown when attemtping to add a null PhaseListener to the current Lifecycle * [MYFACES-494] - No exception thrown when attemtping to provide a null argument to remove a PhaseListener * [MYFACES-497] - No exception passing a null family argument to RenderKit.getRenderer(). * [MYFACES-498] - No Exception thrown when passing an invalid content type to the RenderKit.createResponseWriter() method. * [MYFACES-500] - Wrong exception type thrown in the method ValueBinding.setValue() when the value references a non-existent property. * [MYFACES-502] - HtmlLinkRendererBase missing in source distribution * [MYFACES-506] - DateTimeConverter.getTimeZone should return the default time of the GMT zone by default * [MYFACES-507] - No Exception thrown when an invalid index was provided to PropertyResolver.getType(Object, int) * [MYFACES-508] - x:inputHtml 'type' is not working * [MYFACES-509] - StateManager.saveSerializedView must throw an IllegalStateException when View contains duplicate IDs * [MYFACES-510] - FactoryFinder.getFactory(null) expects a NullPointerException and not a llegalStateException * [MYFACES-511] - FactoryFinder.getFactory() did raise an Exception (IllegalStateException), but not of the expected type (IllegalArgumentException). * [MYFACES-513] - record skip in selectItems * [MYFACES-515] - web.xml - XML validation error in sample applications * [MYFACES-517] - /WEB-INF/faces-config.xml parsed twice * [MYFACES-520] - NPE in UIData.restoreDescendantComponentStates() * [MYFACES-527] - AutoScroll script/function should be rendered within head or body in html * [MYFACES-530] - MyFacesGenericPortlet assumes a content-type * [MYFACES-538] - ClassCastException occurs in HtmlTableRenderer (for ) if rowId does not evaluate to a String * [MYFACES-540] - Boolean Converter does not save and restore state * [MYFACES-544] - HtmlTableRendererBase throws NullPoinerException if component don't set rowId * [MYFACES-547] - Firefox fails to render autoUpdateDataTable styles specified by the rowClasses attribute * [MYFACES-553] - NullPointerException in WebXml.getFacesServletMappings * [MYFACES-554] - UISelectMany crashes on submit * [MYFACES-555] - causing error: right1.gif and left1.gif not found * [MYFACES-563] - f:param with rendered attribute inside f:outputFormat * [MYFACES-565] - t:dataList doesn't work with Sets anymore * [MYFACES-567] - f:param should not have attribute 'rendered' * [MYFACES-569] - x:inputCalendar: onload overriding does not work in Firefox and popup calendar window does not open * [MYFACES-571] - Case sensitive double checkin in SVN * [MYFACES-572] - build fails * [MYFACES-573] - NotSerializableException in JBoss Clustering with MyFaces 1.0.9 * [MYFACES-575] - HtmlLabelRenderer has different behaviour as RI * [MYFACES-577] - (client-rendered) does not allow selection of year * [MYFACES-580] - tree2: tree component can cause duplicate id problems * [MYFACES-583] - "Error during model data update" using selectManyCheckbox * [MYFACES-584] - renders inside the text * [MYFACES-592] - tomahawke SelectOneRadio in datatable no longer working * [MYFACES-598] - When building with -Dskip.sandbox=true the faces-config.xml is not included in the META-INF folder of the myfaces-all.jar * [MYFACES-600] - panelNavigation renders double "border" attribute * [MYFACES-601] - Bug in (misinterprets 12:xx ) * [MYFACES-615] - regression -- t:inputCalendar no longer has js popup in nightlies * [MYFACES-620] - JSCookMenu not displaying icons * [MYFACES-621] - Tree2 commandLink not firing until second click * [MYFACES-623] - setValue() method of ValueBindingImpl does not behave properly * [MYFACES-628] - Current Lifecycle implementation violates JSF Spec 1.1 * [MYFACES-634] - tree2: patch for MYFACES-580 causes exception while rendering with RI * [MYFACES-636] - t:selectOneRadio validation messages in dataTable ** New Feature * [MYFACES-219] - JSCookMenu as child of a form * [MYFACES-380] - New component * [MYFACES-479] - rowStyleClass and rowStyle attributes for t:datatable * [MYFACES-574] - Add ability to specify layout width for HtmlSelectManyCheckbox rendering ** Improvement * [MYFACES-158] - ResponseWriter: refactor script output * [MYFACES-449] - new type for and change of behaviour for existing typu * [MYFACES-490] - Messages for UISelectOne & UISelectMany don't include the component's name like for the other components. * [MYFACES-505] - Use writeComment() instead of write() for