Release Notes - MyFaces - Version 1.1.0 This is the first MyFaces release to be officially compatible with the JSF 1.1 specification. Changes ------- ** Fixed Bugs * [MYFACES-22] - itemDisabled="true" in h:selectOneMenu * [MYFACES-42] - rssTicker fails * [MYFACES-53] - Difference between attributes on myfaces_html.tld and JSF 1.1 API * [MYFACES-54] - Attribute locale of type String not supported in convertNumber * [MYFACES-58] - Multiple call to property method bind * [MYFACES-66] - Bug report + WAR file * [MYFACES-73] - popup calendar rendered incorrectly if no year is present in the field or date is null * [MYFACES-77] - NullPointerException thrown when creating a Popup without styleClass * [MYFACES-89] - HtmlRendererUtils writes the disabled attribute out of order * [MYFACES-97] - x:calendar empty input error * [MYFACES-113] - dataTable/dataScroller do not work in conditional rendered panelGroup * [MYFACES-115] - x:dataTable and x:pageScroller not always working fine together * [MYFACES-116] - validate API does not match spec/RI * [MYFACES-117] - styleClass attribute Ignored for commandNavigation tag * [MYFACES-118] - inputCalendar RenderAsPopup fails: Duplicate ID * [MYFACES-125] - processDecodes in AliasBean not implemented * [MYFACES-132] - Bug in HtmlPopupTag * [MYFACES-133] - Configured but inexistent Renderer is not reported * [MYFACES-134] - commons-digester 1.6 & myfaces-extension don't work together due to rss * [MYFACES-138] - h:datalist donīt call setRowIndex(-1) in decode phase * [MYFACES-147] - Status not saved correctly for inputText-Fields in dataTables between tab pages switch * [MYFACES-151] - JspTilesViewHandlerImpl requires a leading '/' in tiles definition name * [MYFACES-153] - org.apache.myfaces.component.html.util.AddResource@getLastModified() error * [MYFACES-159] - Deleted tree2 nodes cause fatal exception * [MYFACES-160] - HtmlTree.isNodeSelected doesn't check for null node id * [MYFACES-180] - Incorrect tabbedPane behaviour in examples bundled with myfaces * [MYFACES-186] - x:radio and x:checkbox cause ClassCastException * [MYFACES-187] - UIInput.getValue can return wrong (old) value * [MYFACES-188] - Tabbed pane behaviour * [MYFACES-193] - forceId does not work on inputHidden * [MYFACES-194] - inputCalendar throws IllegalArguementException when a ConversionException is supposed to be thrown * [MYFACES-196] - JSCookMenu Children Menus Problem * [MYFACES-197] - TLDDocs Index page only has WAP tags * [MYFACES-199] - Calendar unnecessarily requests image resources during parsing * [MYFACES-201] - Problem with dataScroller and fast forward * [MYFACES-204] - onclick rendered twice in commandLink * [MYFACES-206] - TLDs in myfaces-examples.war contain duplicated attributes for some tags which prevents the war from working in ServletExec 5.0 * [MYFACES-208] - faces-config.xml is only found in jar files located in WEB-INF/lib * [MYFACES-209] - hours in x:inputDate * [MYFACES-210] - Undesired dependency on ApplicationImpl in FacesConfigurator * [MYFACES-213] - commandLink does not work in dataList * [MYFACES-214] - TabbedPane : wrong validation behavior * [MYFACES-220] - tiles controller not executed through JspTilesViewHandler * [MYFACES-221] - Missing Accesskey attributes on SelectOneMenuTag * [MYFACES-225] - dataTable ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with input fields * [MYFACES-226] - LoadBundle doesn't specify class loader * [MYFACES-228] - Sortheader functionality does not work if datatable contains editable components * [MYFACES-229] - DataList does not work correctly like a DataTable with input components * [MYFACES-231] - java.lang.InstantiationException with inputHidden Tag * [MYFACES-232] - classcast exception in HtmlDataTableHack * [MYFACES-234] - x:inputDate as a candidate to refactor * [MYFACES-236] - default-locale should be included in supported locales search * [MYFACES-237] - x:inputDate and popupCalendar problem * [MYFACES-240] - generated JavaScript clear_browse() function allows Internet Explorer to return "null" field values * [MYFACES-241] - DataList: ValueBindings on pass through attributes do not work * [MYFACES-242] - EqualValidator: Wrong Message when foreignComp.getValue()==null * [MYFACES-243] - ClientId not used, so JSCookMenu fires multiple actions in tables * [MYFACES-253] - f:selectItem - itemDisabled attribute not working * [MYFACES-254] - blank h:inputText returns null instead of empty String * [MYFACES-255] - inputDate's onchange, onfocus, onblur and onselect are not working * [MYFACES-257] - inputCalendar tags doesn't have an onchange property * [MYFACES-262] - Warning about checkbox submissions * [MYFACES-267] - selectItemGroup doesn't render correctly in selectOneListbox or selectManyCheckbox * [MYFACES-268] - inputText displays wrong value. * [MYFACES-271] - Inputdate component causes HTML validation to fail * [MYFACES-277] - using a button with immediate on a form with a dataTable component * [MYFACES-278] - UIData does not processColumnChildren() if rowCount() returns -1 (for ResultSetDataModel) * [MYFACES-281] - myfaces-ext.tld definition for tree2 has id tag defined twice * [MYFACES-282] - Titles not showing up on inputDate button to launch Calendar * [MYFACES-283] - Bogus warning logged for servlets with "init-param" * [MYFACES-284] - x:calendar doesn't work under firefox * [MYFACES-286] - x:datatable doesn't support Set * [MYFACES-288] - DataTable: Facets Bug * [MYFACES-289] - valueChangeListener doesn't work inside of x:dataList * [MYFACES-291] - Server Side Tree2 Component Does Not Work with Sun RI * [MYFACES-293] - JSCookMenu action doesn't work with Sun's JSF RI * [MYFACES-296] - all of the input components can not save sates when they are not rendered at the first time * [MYFACES-302] - there's a very seriously security problem in myfaces but not found in SUN's RI. * [MYFACES-303] - API: FacesMessage.getSeverity() does not default correctly. * [MYFACES-305] - datascroller updates the uidata in decode phase * [MYFACES-308] - tree2 image-path encoding and fix for missing ids on images * [MYFACES-310] - HtmlLinkRendererBase does not work with custom components that do not extend HtmlCommandLink * [MYFACES-312] - javax.faces.el.ValueBinding not implemented like that of Sun Reference Implementation (java.lang.AbstractMethodError) * [MYFACES-315] - EL returns null for any Map entry keyed by an empty String * [MYFACES-317] - inputCalendar gets Conversion Error when is in the same form * [MYFACES-321] - h:OutputLabel's for attribute is marked as required * [MYFACES-323] - inputCalendar fails after changing value on server * [MYFACES-324] - WebXmlParser throws AccessControlException in secure Tomcat * [MYFACES-329] - The tag library version numbers are incorrect * [MYFACES-330] - dataScroller reports wrong error when for attrib unresolvable * [MYFACES-331] - post-Mathias-Broekelmann x:dataTable doesn't work with dynamically-created UIColumns data. * [MYFACES-332] - Error on getting renderer for HtmlTree2 * [MYFACES-333] - Wiki Link Missing in new page * [MYFACES-338] - MessageUtils should force Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() on ResourceBundle * [MYFACES-340] - x:inputCalendar does not allow '-' as separator in date pattern * [MYFACES-346] - ExtensionFilter does not close output streams before retrieving response bytes * [MYFACES-347] - ExtensionFilter called multiple times under Weblogic * [MYFACES-354] - styleClass attribute of x:dataList has no effect * [MYFACES-356] - AddResource.writeWithFullHeader() writing old header twice * [MYFACES-359] - JspViewHandlerImpl.createView doesn't play nice with decorators * [MYFACES-360] - Tree2 does not work in a form * [MYFACES-365] - Attribute alt invalid for tag graphicImage according to TLD * [MYFACES-366] - _SharedRendererUtils does not create the correct type of array, which causes a bind error * [MYFACES-373] - columns attribute not initialized properly * [MYFACES-374] - h:graphicImage is missing the alt tag * [MYFACES-376] - HTML Renderkit doesn't choose correct ContentType * [MYFACES-378] - PopUp calendar working incorrectly if August or September is preset in input field and locale is ru_RU * [MYFACES-381] - Width attribute in x:columns does not work in sortable table * [MYFACES-385] - x:swapImage the swapImageUrl attribute will not append context path on image path rendering * [MYFACES-388] - [tree2] image-path encoding * [MYFACES-397] - x:saveState incorrected documented as x:save_state * [MYFACES-400] - When jsp page is sibmited without selected option from selectManyListbox on TabbedPane occurs IllegalArgumentException "Value of UISelectMany .... is not of type Array or List" * [MYFACES-402] - Can't put f:param or f:attribute tag nest in CommandButton * [MYFACES-404] - Tree2 doesn't refresh until clicked on * [MYFACES-405] - Cannot set headerstyleClass on x:column * [MYFACES-406] - styleClass attribute of x:dataList has no effect when using expressions * [MYFACES-408] - ApplicationImpl.createValidator() reports errors as converter instead of validator * [MYFACES-412] - _SerializableArrayDataModel throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when x:DataScroller advanced to second page on x:dataTable backed by array * [MYFACES-413] - UIData: nested UIData does not save state correctly for UIInput on validation errors * [MYFACES-415] - inputCalendar with converter loses value data during rendering when renderAsPopup=true * [MYFACES-416] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in AddResource * [MYFACES-417] - t:dataTable columnHeaders not updated when changeing the number * [MYFACES-419] - Dynamic loading of navigation rules not working * [MYFACES-420] - InputText isn't refreshed after valueChangeListener * [MYFACES-421] - errorClass attribute does nothing * [MYFACES-423] - Tree2: UITreeData saves the model between requests * [MYFACES-425] - findUISelectManyConverter should look for converter when valueType is List * [MYFACES-429] - Tree2 in ClientSide preserveToggle=true does not work * [MYFACES-431] - NullPointerException when binding HtmlDataTable to backing bean * [MYFACES-432] - [tree2] Expand full node path of a specific nodes programatically * [MYFACES-440] - Circular dependencies in managed properties lead to StackOverflowError in VariableResolverImpl * [MYFACES-441] - CLONE -HTML Renderkit doesn't choose correct ContentType (JavaScript) * [MYFACES-442] - logs an error when columns parameter not specified * [MYFACES-452] - inputCalendar broken in IE * [MYFACES-454] - UIViewRoot#createUniqueId() does not return an unique id in Portlet environment. * [MYFACES-455] - Implement ResultSetDataModel * [MYFACES-458] - javax.faces.component._ComponentAttributesMap implementation not correct * [MYFACES-459] - DateTimeConverter should not allow lenient date formatting * [MYFACES-460] - javax.faces.component._ComponentFacetMap.containsValue returns false in any case * [MYFACES-462] - UIComponent.processSaveState implementation not correct * [MYFACES-463] - javax.faces.component._ComponentAttributesMap misses correct equals() method * [MYFACES-466] - ResultDataModel.setWrappedData must not convert the wrapped data * [MYFACES-468] - Navigation outcome of 'null' should return the same viewId * [MYFACES-469] - temp jar files not deleted after server startup * [MYFACES-472] - Cannot configure RenderKitFactory through META-INF/services * [MYFACES-481] - No Exception thrown when it was not possible to instantiate the registered converter for the target type * [MYFACES-482] - Expected Application.getDefaultLocale() to return null if the default locale has not been explicitly set by a call to Application.setDefaultLocale(Locale) * [MYFACES-495] - No exception thrown when first argument to RenderKit.addRenderer() was null. * [MYFACES-496] - No exception thrown when first argument to RenderKit.addRenderer() was null. * [MYFACES-499] - No Exception thrown when passing an invalid encoding to the RenderKit.createResponseWriter() method. * [MYFACES-501] - Expected default value of NumberConverter.getType() to be 'number' * [MYFACES-503] - NumberConverter expects a type 'percentage', which is wrong. The correct type is 'percent' * [MYFACES-504] - Exception thrown when DateTimeConverter was configured with an invalid pattern but it wasn't an instance of ConverterException. * [MYFACES-506] - DateTimeConverter.getTimeZone should return the default time of the GMT zone by default * [MYFACES-514] - No exception thrown when thrid argument to RenderKit.addRenderer() was null. * [MYFACES-518] - inputDate component handles readonly attribute incorrect * [MYFACES-523] - No error condition was raised when managed bean contained a reference to another bean with a potentially shorter scope than what the bean was configured for. * [MYFACES-524] - It is an error to configure cyclic references between managed beans. * [MYFACES-525] - Myfaces does not handle correctly the from-view-id's with wildcards * [MYFACES-531] - Tree2 examples can result in "Invalid bitmask error" * [MYFACES-534] - JspStateManagerImpl.writeState throws IllegalStateException if called in server state saving mode * [MYFACES-535] - property getter is not called when initializing map property of a managed bean * [MYFACES-536] - managed bean: handling does not follow the spec * [MYFACES-542] - JspViewHandlerImpl.getServletMapping ** New Features * [MYFACES-65] - Date format in inputCalendar * [MYFACES-84] - Add extended version of selectBooleanCheckbox * [MYFACES-175] - Add onmouseover and on mouseout support to x:dataTable * [MYFACES-191] - Add directional images to x:commandSortHeader * [MYFACES-192] - inputParam component * [MYFACES-269] - New extended graphicImage component * [MYFACES-270] - New extended inputSecret component * [MYFACES-353] - [tree2] setExpandAll method for TreeModelBase * [MYFACES-371] - new x:form component which allows to define scheme, servername and port of the action url of the form. * [MYFACES-372] - url validator tag based on emailvalidator * [MYFACES-377] - x:div suport for visibleOnUserRole * [MYFACES-379] - column component to define common HTML attributes and events. * [MYFACES-451] - Proposal for addition of tag and converter to Tomahawk ** Improvements * [MYFACES-92] - TLD javadoc should be sorted alphabetically * [MYFACES-108] - UIInput should not store submitted value in the state * [MYFACES-111] - Exposed/refactored renderClearFormOnClick for subclass chaining in HtmlButtonRendererBase * [MYFACES-150] - JspTilesViewHandlerImpl requires tiles definitions to end in '.tiles' * [MYFACES-181] - onchange attribute for x:inputCalendar * [MYFACES-183] - FacesConfigurator should report where xml parsing errors occur * [MYFACES-190] - HtmlTreeRenderer (tree2) should use renderChild method * [MYFACES-195] - Parameterization of Tree2 clientside toggle session saving * [MYFACES-203] - Updated example messages for Spanish and Catalan * [MYFACES-205] - MyFacesGenericPortlet should allow subclassing * [MYFACES-246] - The WARN level log statement in VariableResolverImpl.resolveVariable should be DEBUG level * [MYFACES-263] - UnicodeEncoder.encode() could be made faster * [MYFACES-313] - UISaveState component can use saveAttachedState to allow the user implement StateHolder for values * [MYFACES-339] - x:inputCalendar does not support readonly or disabled * [MYFACES-343] - Add onclick, ondblclick support for rows in * [MYFACES-344] - component method's visibility review * [MYFACES-350] - Use 'node.isLeaf()' in tree2 to decide whether to display the navigation icon * [MYFACES-358] - Make popcalendar.js more friendly with regards to onload overriding * [MYFACES-364] - datatable should render the footer after the header * [MYFACES-369] - Getting rid of StartupServletContextListener * [MYFACES-382] - [tree2] Do not show navigation icons if node is empty * [MYFACES-390] - [tree2] Provide new TreeModel interface so users can provide their own model implementations * [MYFACES-391] - Add the possibility to render a calendar image instead of the button to pop the calendar in the inputCalendar component * [MYFACES-396] - inputCalendar - add js only once * [MYFACES-414] - Client side panelTabbedPane * [MYFACES-433] - inputCalendar renderPopupButtonAsImage does not line up image correctly * [MYFACES-436] - ResponseWriter with null argment fro componentForElement ** Implemented Wishes * [MYFACES-148] - datalist: problems with modelupdate and verbatim tag * [MYFACES-165] - exception handling in HtmlGridRenderer.renderChildren(..) * [MYFACES-252] - Support for button in type attribute of x:commandButton Getting Started --------------- See Issue tracking -------------- Feedback -------- See