Building and deploying the example with Ant and Tomcat: 1) download tomcat 4.1.x (we need the catalina-ant.jar file from 4.1) 2) download and install tomcat 4.0.x (MyFaces only runs with 4.0 yet) 2.a) If you have not already you need to add a user that has the manager and admin roles 3) add the catalina-ant.jar file from Tomcat 4.1 to your ant classpath 3.a) You can copy catalina-ant.jar to your ant/lib directory or you can modify the ant script to include the jar. 3.b) IntelliJ-users: add it as "Additional Classpath" in the "Build File Properties". 4) Copy file to and set the values 5) Execute the install target to have the examples installed Bill Dudney [] (modified by M.Geiler)