------ Myfaces Core 2.0 ------ MyFaces Core 2.0 Project This project provides an implementation of the JavaServer Faces 2.0 (JSF 2.0) specification. * The API submodule implements all of the classes that are defined in the specification. If you are looking for API documentation about the classes that your JSF application needs to use, then see the javadoc for the API module. * The Impl submodule provides "invisible" support classes that user code does not directly invoke, but which is needed for a working JSF framework. Examples are the renderer classes for the standard JSF components. These two libraries (myfaces-api.jar and myfaces-impl.jar) are deployed together with your code to form a JSF web application. If you want to know more about how JavaServer(tm) Faces works, take a look at the documentation referenced from the main MyFaces site. Requirements JSF 2.0 requires java 1.5 or later, JSP 2.1, JSTL 1.2 and a Java Servlet 2.5 implementation. Specifications MyFaces implements {{{http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=314}Java Specification Request 314}} Each major release of MyFaces is certified against the Sun TCK to ensure compliance. At the time this was written (October 2009) there is still no TCK or any official release of jsf 2.0, but we are working hard to keep the code in sync with JSR 314 spec. You can check the nightly builds {{{http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-snapshot-repository/org/apache/myfaces/core}here}}.