h1. Mesos Code Internals h2. Top-level directories in the Mesos distribution * ec2 - scripts for launching a Mesos cluster on EC2. See the wiki page on "EC2-Scripts":EC2-Scripts.textile * frameworks - Included Mesos Frameworks. See the READMEs in each one. See the "App/Framework development guide":App-Framework-development-guide.textile for a crash course in how Mesos Frameworks get resources from the Mesos master. * include - Contains headers that contain the interfaces that Mesos users need in order to interact with Mesos (e.g. the Mesos Framework API) * src - Contains the entire Mesos source tree. See below for more details about the directories inside of @src@. * third_party - Contains necessary open source third party software that Mesos leverages for things such as logging, etc. h2. Mesos source code The Mesos source code (found in @MESOS_HOME/src@) is organized into the following hierarchy: * common - shared source files (such as utilities and data structures) * conf - where the mesos configuration file @mesos.conf@ lives * config - * configurator - * deploy * detector * examples * exec * launcher * local * master - source files specific to the mesos-master daemon * messaging * scaling * sched - source files specific to the mesos-slave daemon * slave * swig - WARNING: this might go away (at least for Java, as of the proto buffer commit, see issue #3 * tests * webui