Mesos MPICH2 framework readme -------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: 1) Installing MPICH2 2) Running the Mesos MPICH2 framework ===================== 1) INSTALLING MPICH2: ===================== This framework was developed using MPICH2 on Linux. You can install MPICH2 from scratch. You can get MPICH2 as well as installation directions here: I (Andy) installed MPICH2 using apt-get, but in Ubuntu, I had to add the Debian package mirror to my /etc/apt/sources.list file manuall. I.e. I added 'deb sid main' to the end of the file. I also had to muck with keys since 9.04 (Jaunty) Ubuntu is using secure apt, so I did: gpg --recv-keys 4D270D06F42584E6 gpg --export 4D270D06F42584E6 | apt-key add - though, theoretically, the following should suffice, it did not for me: apt-get install debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-key update ===================================== 2) RUNNING THE MESOS MPICH2 FRAMEWORK ===================================== 1. Start a Mesos master and slaves see the MESOS_HOME/QUICKSTART.txt for help with this. 2. In the MESOS_HOME/frameworks/mpi directory run the nmpiexec script. Pass the -h flag to see help options. Example: ./nmpiexec -m 104857600 1@ hostname