If you're new to Mesos
See the getting started page for more information about downloading, building, and deploying Mesos.
If you'd like to get involved or you're looking for support
See our community page for more details.
Mesos Fundamentals
- Mesos Architecture providing an overview of Mesos concepts.
- Video and Slides of Mesos Presentations
Running Mesos
- Getting Started for basic instructions on compiling and installing Mesos.
- Agent Recovery for doing seamless agent upgrades and allowing executors to survive
crashes. - Authentication
- Authorization
- Configuration and CMake configuration for command-line arguments.
- Container Image for supporting container images in Mesos containerizer.
- Containerizer for containerizer overview and use cases.
- Containerizer Internals for implementation details of containerizers.
- Docker Containerizer for launching a Docker image as a Task, or as an Executor.
- Mesos Containerizer default containerizer, supports both Linux and POSIX systems.
- Framework Rate Limiting
- Task Health Checking
- High Availability for running multiple masters simultaneously.
- HTTP Endpoints for available HTTP endpoints.
- Logging
- Maintenance for performing maintenance on a Mesos cluster.
- Monitoring
- Operational Guide
- Roles
- SSL for enabling and enforcing SSL communication.
- Tools for setting up and running a Mesos cluster.
- Upgrades for upgrading a Mesos cluster.
- Weights
- Windows Support for the state of Windows support in Mesos.
Advanced Features
- Attributes and Resources for how to describe the agents that comprise a cluster.
- Fetcher Cache for how to configure the Mesos fetcher cache.
- Multiple Disks for how to allow tasks to use multiple isolated disk resources.
- Networking
- Nvidia GPU Support for how to run Mesos with Nvidia GPU support.
- Oversubscription for how to configure Mesos to take advantage of unused resources to launch “best-effort” tasks.
- Persistent Volume for how to allow tasks to access persistent storage resources.
- Quota for how to configure Mesos to provide guaranteed resource allocations for use by a role.
- Replicated Log for information on the Mesos replicated log.
- Reservation for how operators and frameworks can reserve resources on individual agents for use by a role.
- Shared Resources for how to share persistent volumes between tasks managed by different executors on the same agent.
- API Client Libraries lists client libraries for the HTTP APIs.
- Doxygen documents the C++ API.
- Executor HTTP API describes the new HTTP API for communication between executors and the Mesos agent.
- Javadoc documents the old Java API.
- Operator HTTP API describes the new HTTP API for communication between operators and Mesos master/agent.
- Scheduler HTTP API describes the new HTTP API for communication between schedulers and the Mesos master.
- Versioning describes HTTP API and release versioning.
Running Mesos Frameworks
- Mesos frameworks for a list of apps built on top of Mesos and instructions on how to run them.
- Sandbox describes a useful debugging arena for most users.
Developing Mesos Frameworks
- Designing Highly Available Mesos Frameworks
- Developer Tools for hacking on Mesos or writing frameworks.
- Framework Development Guide describes how to build applications on top of Mesos.
- Reconciliation for ensuring a framework’s state remains eventually consistent in the face of failures.
Extending Mesos
- Allocation Modules for how to write custom resource allocators.
- Mesos Modules for specifying Mesos modules for master, agent and tests.
Contributing to Mesos
- Committers and Maintainers a listing of project committers and component maintainers; useful when seeking feedback.
- Committing guidelines for committing changes.
- Development Roadmap
- Documentation Guide
- Doxygen documents the internal Mesos APIs.
- Effective Code Reviewing guidelines, tips, and learnings for how to do effective code reviews.
- Engineering Principles and Practices to serve as a shared set of project-level values for the community.
- Release Guide
- Reopening a Review for our policy around reviving reviews on ReviewBoard.
- Reporting an Issue, Improvement, or Feature for getting started with JIRA.
- Submitting a Patch for getting started with ReviewBoard and our tooling around it.
- Testing Patterns for tips and tricks used in Mesos tests.
- Working groups a listing of groups working on different components.
More Info about Mesos
- Academic Papers and Project History
- Design docs list of design documents for various Mesos features
- Powered by Mesos lists organizations and software that are powered by Apache Mesos.