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In Mesos, the authorization subsystem allows the operator to configure the actions that certain principals are allowed to perform. For example, the operator can use authorization to ensure that principal foo can only register frameworks in role bar, and no other principals can register frameworks in any role.

A reference implementation local authorizer provides basic security for most use cases. This authorizer is configured using Access Control Lists (ACLs). Alternative implementations could express their authorization rules in different ways. The local authorizer is used if the --authorizers flag is not specified (or manually set to the default value local) and ACLs are specified via the --acls flag.

This document is divided into two main sections. The first section explores the concepts necessary to successfully configure the local authorizer. The second briefly discusses how to implement a custom authorizer; this section is not directed at operators but at engineers who wish to build their own authorizer back end.

Local Authorizer

Role vs. Principal

A principal identifies an entity (i.e., a framework or an operator) that interacts with Mesos. A role, on the other hand, is used to associate resources with frameworks in various ways. A useful analogy can be made with user management in the Unix world: principals correspond to usernames, while roles approximately correspond to groups. For more information about roles, see the roles documentation.

In a real-world organization, principals and roles might be used to represent various individuals or groups; for example, principals could correspond to people responsible for particular frameworks, while roles could correspond to departments within the organization which run frameworks on the cluster. To illustrate this point, consider a company that wants to allocate datacenter resources amongst multiple departments, one of which is the accounting department. Here is a possible scenario in which the accounting department launches a Mesos framework and then attempts to destroy a persistent volume:

  • An accountant launches their framework, which authenticates with the Mesos master using its principal and secret. Here, let the framework principal be payroll-framework; this principal represents the trusted identity of the framework.
  • The framework now sends a registration message to the master. This message includes a FrameworkInfo object containing a principal and a role; in this case, it will use the role accounting. The principal in this message must be payroll-framework, to match the one used by the framework for authentication.
  • The master consults the local authorizer, which in turn looks through its ACLs to see if it has a RegisterFramework ACL which authorizes the principal payroll-framework to register with the accounting role. It does find such an ACL, the framework registers successfully. Now that the framework belongs to the accounting role, any weights, reservations, persistent volumes, or quota associated with the accounting department’s role will apply. This allows operators to control the resource consumption of this department.
  • Suppose the framework has created a persistent volume on an agent which it now wishes to destroy. The framework sends an ACCEPT call containing an offer operation which will DESTROY the persistent volume.
  • However, datacenter operators have decided that they don’t want the accounting frameworks to delete volumes. Rather, the operators will manually remove the accounting department’s persistent volumes to ensure that no important financial data is deleted accidentally. To accomplish this, they have set a DestroyVolume ACL which asserts that the principal payroll-framework can destroy volumes created by a creator_principal of NONE; in other words, this framework cannot destroy persistent volumes, so the operation will be refused.


When authorizing an action, the local authorizer proceeds through a list of relevant rules until it finds one that can either grant or deny permission to the subject making the request. These rules are configured with Access Control Lists (ACLs) in the case of the local authorizer. The ACLs are defined with a JSON-based language via the --acls flag.

Each ACL consist of an array of JSON objects. Each of these objects has two entries. The first, principals, is common to all actions and describes the subjects which wish to perform the given action. The second entry varies among actions and describes the object on which the action will be executed. Both entries are specified with the same type of JSON object, known as Entity. The local authorizer works by comparing Entity objects, so understanding them is key to writing good ACLs.

An Entity is essentially a container which can either hold a particular value or specify the special types ANY or NONE.

A global field which affects all ACLs can be set. This field is called permissive and it defines the behavior when no ACL applies to the request made. If set to true (which is the default) it will allow by default all non-matching requests, if set to false it will reject all non-matching requests.

Note that when setting permissive to false a number of standard operations (e.g., run_tasks or register_frameworks) will require ACLs in order to work. There are two ways to disallow unauthorized uses on specific operations:

  1. Leave permissive set to true and disallow ANY principal to perform actions to all objects except the ones explicitly allowed. Consider the example below for details.

  2. Set permissive to false but allow ANY principal to perform the action on ANY object. This needs to be done for all actions which should work without being checked against ACLs. A template doing this for all actions can be found in acls_template.json.

More information about the structure of the ACLs can be found in their definition inside the Mesos source code.

ACLs are compared in the order that they are specified. In other words, if an ACL allows some action and a later ACL forbids it, the action is allowed; likewise, if the ACL forbidding the action appears earlier than the one allowing the action, the action is forbidden. If no ACLs match a request, the request is authorized if the ACLs are permissive (which is the default behavior). If permissive is explicitly set to false, all non-matching requests are declined.

Authorizable Actions

Currently, the local authorizer configuration format supports the following entries, each representing an authorizable action:

Action Name Subject Object Description
register_frameworks Framework principal. Resource roles of the framework. (Re-)registering of frameworks.
run_tasks Framework principal. UNIX user to launch the task as. Launching tasks/executors by a framework.
teardown_frameworks Operator username. Principals whose frameworks can be shutdown by the operator. Tearing down frameworks.
reserve_resources Framework principal or Operator username. Resource role of the reservation. Reserving resources.
unreserve_resources Framework principal or Operator username. Principals whose resources can be unreserved by the operator. Unreserving resources.
create_volumes Framework principal or Operator username. Resource role of the volume. Creating volumes.
destroy_volumes Framework principal or Operator username. Principals whose volumes can be destroyed by the operator. Destroying volumes.
get_quotas Operator username. Resource role whose quota status will be queried. Querying quota status.
update_quotas Operator username. Resource role whose quota will be updated. Modifying quotas.
view_roles Operator username. Resource roles whose information can be viewed by the operator. Querying roles and weights.
get_endpoints HTTP username. HTTP endpoints the user should be able to access using the HTTP "GET" method. Performing an HTTP "GET" on an endpoint.
update_weights Operator username. Resource roles whose weights can be updated by the operator. Updating weights.
view_frameworks HTTP user. UNIX user of whom executors can be viewed. Filtering http endpoints.
view_executors HTTP user. UNIX user of whom executors can be viewed. Filtering http endpoints.
view_tasks HTTP user. UNIX user of whom executors can be viewed. Filtering http endpoints.
access_sandboxes Operator username. Operating system user whose executor/task sandboxes can be accessed. Access task sandboxes.
access_mesos_logs Operator username. Implicitly given. A user should only use types ANY and NONE to allow/deny access to the log. Access Mesos logs.

Authorizable HTTP endpoints

The get_endpoints action covers:

  • /files/debug
  • /logging/toggle
  • /metrics/snapshot
  • /slave(id)/containers
  • /slave(id)/monitor/statistics


Consider for example the following ACL: Only principal foo can register frameworks within the analytics role. All principals can register to any other role (including the principal foo since permissive is the default behavior).

  "register_frameworks": [
                             "principals": {
                               "values": ["foo"]
                             "roles": {
                               "values": ["analytics"]
                             "principals": {
                               "type": "NONE"
                             "roles": {
                               "values": ["analytics"]

Principal foo can register frameworks with the analytics and ads roles and no other role. Any other principal (or framework without a principal) can register frameworks with any role.

  "register_frameworks": [
                             "principals": {
                               "values": ["foo"]
                             "roles": {
                               "values": ["analytics", "ads"]
                             "principals": {
                               "values": ["foo"]
                             "roles": {
                               "type": "NONE"

Only principal foo and no one else can register frameworks with the analytics role. Any other principal (or framework without a principal) can register frameworks with any other role.

  "register_frameworks": [
                             "principals": {
                               "values": ["foo"]
                             "roles": {
                               "values": ["analytics"]
                             "principals": {
                               "type": "NONE"
                             "roles": {
                               "values": ["analytics"]

Principal foo can register frameworks with the analytics role and no other role. No other principal can register frameworks with any role, including *.

  "permissive": false,
  "register_frameworks": [
                             "principals": {
                               "values": ["foo"]
                             "roles": {
                               "values": ["analytics"]

In the following example permissive is set to false; hence, principals can only run tasks as operating system users guest or bar, but not as any other user.

  "permissive": false,
  "run_tasks": [
                   "principals": { "type": "ANY" },
                   "users": { "values": ["guest", "bar"] }

Principals foo and bar can run tasks as the agent operating system user alice and no other user. No other principal can run tasks.

  "permissive": false,
  "run_tasks": [
                   "principals": { "values": ["foo", "bar"] },
                   "users": { "values": ["alice"] }

Principal foo can run tasks only as the agent operating system user guest and no other user. Any other principal (or framework without a principal) can run tasks as any user.

  "run_tasks": [
                   "principals": { "values": ["foo"] },
                   "users": { "values": ["guest"] }
                   "principals": { "values": ["foo"] },
                   "users": { "type": "NONE" }

No principal can run tasks as the agent operating system user root. Any principal (or framework without a principal) can run tasks as any other user.

  "run_tasks": [
                   "principals": { "type": "NONE" },
                   "users": { "values": ["root"] }

The order in which the rules are defined is important. In the following example, the ACLs effectively forbid anyone from tearing down frameworks even though the intention clearly is to allow only admin to shut them down:

  "teardown_frameworks": [
                             "principals": { "type": "NONE" },
                             "framework_principals": { "type": "ANY" }
                             "principals": { "type": "admin" },
                             "framework_principals": { "type": "ANY" }

The previous ACL can be fixed as follows:

  "teardown_frameworks": [
                             "principals": { "type": "admin" },
                             "framework_principals": { "type": "ANY" }
                             "principals": { "type": "NONE" },
                             "framework_principals": { "type": "ANY" }

The ops principal can teardown any framework using the /teardown HTTP endpoint. No other principal can teardown any frameworks.

  "permissive": false,
  "teardown_frameworks": [
                             "principals": {
                               "values": ["ops"]
                             "framework_principals": {
                               "type": "ANY"

The principal foo can reserve resources for any role, and no other principal can reserve resources.

  "permissive": false,
  "reserve_resources": [
                           "principals": {
                             "values": ["foo"]
                           "roles": {
                             "type": "ANY"

The principal foo cannot reserve resources, and any other principal (or framework without a principal) can reserve resources for any role.

  "reserve_resources": [
                           "principals": {
                             "values": ["foo"]
                           "roles": {
                             "type": "NONE"

The principal foo can reserve resources only for roles prod and dev, and no other principal (or framework without a principal) can reserve resources for any role.

  "permissive": false,
  "reserve_resources": [
                           "principals": {
                             "values": ["foo"]
                           "roles": {
                             "values": ["prod", "dev"]

The principal foo can unreserve resources reserved by itself and by the principal bar. The principal bar, however, can only unreserve its own resources. No other principal can unreserve resources.

  "permissive": false,
  "unreserve_resources": [
                             "principals": {
                               "values": ["foo"]
                             "reserver_principals": {
                               "values": ["foo", "bar"]
                             "principals": {
                               "values": ["bar"]
                             "reserver_principals": {
                               "values": ["bar"]

The principal foo can create persistent volumes for any role, and no other principal can create persistent volumes.

  "permissive": false,
  "create_volumes": [
                        "principals": {
                          "values": ["foo"]
                        "roles": {
                          "type": "ANY"

The principal foo cannot create persistent volumes for any role, and any other principal can create persistent volumes for any role.

  "create_volumes": [
                        "principals": {
                          "values": ["foo"]
                        "roles": {
                          "type": "NONE"

The principal foo can create persistent volumes only for roles prod and dev, and no other principal can create persistent volumes for any role.

  "permissive": false,
  "create_volumes": [
                        "principals": {
                          "values": ["foo"]
                        "roles": {
                          "values": ["prod", "dev"]

The principal foo can destroy volumes created by itself and by the principal bar. The principal bar, however, can only destroy its own volumes. No other principal can destroy volumes.

  "permissive": false,
  "destroy_volumes": [
                         "principals": {
                           "values": ["foo"]
                         "creator_principals": {
                           "values": ["foo", "bar"]
                         "principals": {
                           "values": ["bar"]
                         "creator_principals": {
                           "values": ["bar"]

The principal ops can query quota status for any role. The principal foo, however, can only query quota status for foo-role. No other principal can query quota status.

  "permissive": false,
  "get_quotas": [
                    "principals": {
                      "values": ["ops"]
                    "roles": {
                      "type": "ANY"
                    "principals": {
                      "values": ["foo"]
                    "roles": {
                      "values": ["foo-role"]

The principal ops can update quota information (set or remove) for any role. The principal foo, however, can only update quota for foo-role. No other principal can update quota.

  "permissive": false,
  "update_quotas": [
                       "principals": {
                         "values": ["ops"]
                       "roles": {
                         "type": "ANY"
                       "principals": {
                         "values": ["foo"]
                       "roles": {
                         "values": ["foo-role"]

The principal ops can reach all HTTP endpoints using the GET method. The principal foo, however, can only use the HTTP GET on the /logging/toggle and /monitor/statistics endpoints. No other principals can use GET on any endpoints.

  "permissive": false,
  "get_endpoints": [
                       "principals": {
                         "values": ["ops"]
                       "paths": {
                         "type": "ANY"
                       "principals": {
                         "values": ["foo"]
                       "paths": {
                         "values": ["/logging/toggle", "/monitor/statistics"]

Implementing an Authorizer

In case you plan to implement your own authorizer module, the authorization interface consists of three parts:

First, the authorization::Request protobuf message represents a request to be authorized. It follows the Subject-Verb-Object pattern, where a subject —commonly a principal—attempts to perform an action on a given object.

Second, the Future<bool> mesos::Authorizer::authorized(const mesos::authorization::Request& request) interface defines the entry point for authorizer modules (and the local authorizer). A call to authorized() returns a future that indicates the result of the (asynchronous) authorization operation. If the future is set to true, the request was authorized successfully; if it was set to false, the request was rejected. A failed future indicates that the request could not be processed at the moment and it can be retried later.

The authorization::Request message is defined in authorizer.proto:

message Request {
  optional Subject subject = 1;
  optional Action  action  = 2;
  optional Object  object  = 3;

message Subject {
  optional string value = 1;

message Object {
  optional string value = 1;
  optional FrameworkInfo framework_info = 2;
  optional Task task = 3;
  optional TaskInfo task_info = 4;
  optional ExecutorInfo executor_info = 5;

Subject or Object are optional fiels; if they are not set they will only match an ACL with ANY or NONE in the corresponding location. This allows users to construct the following requests: Can everybody perform action A on object O?, or Can principal Z execute action X on all objects?.

Object has several optional fields of which, depending on the action, one or more fields must be set (e.g., the view_executors action expects the executor_info and framework_info to be set).

The action field of the Request message is an enum. It is kept optional— even though a valid action is necessary for every request—to allow for backwards compatibility when adding new fields (see MESOS-4997 for details).

Third, the ObjectApprover interface. In order to support efficient authorization of large objects and multiple objects a user can request an ObjectApprover via Future<Owned<ObjectApprover>> getObjectApprover(const authorization::Subject& subject, const authorization::Action& action). The resulting ObjectApprover provides Try<bool> approved(const ObjectApprover::Object& object) to synchronously check whether objects are authorized. The ObjectApprover::Object follows the structure of the Request::Object above.

struct Object
  const std::string* value;
  const FrameworkInfo* framework_info;
  const Task* task;
  const TaskInfo* task_info;
  const ExecutorInfo* executor_info;

As the fields take pointer to each entity the ObjectApprover::Object does not require the entity to be copied.

NOTE: As the ObjectApprover is run synchronously in a different actor process ObjectApprover.approved() call must not block!