Rat (Release Audit Tool) results

The following document contains the results of Rat (Release Audit Tool).

Generated at: 2014-09-11T11:39:35+10:00
Notes: 2
Binaries: 1
Archives: 0
Standards: 58

Apache Licensed: 10
Generated Documents: 0

JavaDocs are generated and so license header is optional
Generated files do not required license headers

48 Unknown Licenses


Unapproved licenses:




  Files with Apache License headers will be marked AL
  Binary files (which do not require AL headers) will be marked B
  Compressed archives will be marked A
  Notices, licenses etc will be marked N
  AL    /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/pom.xml
  AL    /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/wagon/providers/scm/ScmWagon.java
  AL    /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/site/apt/index.apt
  AL    /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/site/apt/usage.apt.vm
  AL    /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/site/site.xml
  AL    /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/java/org/apache/maven/wagon/providers/scm/AbstractScmCvsWagonTest.java
  AL    /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/java/org/apache/maven/wagon/providers/scm/AbstractScmSvnWagonTest.java
  AL    /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/java/org/apache/maven/wagon/providers/scm/AbstractScmWagonTest.java
  AL    /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/java/org/apache/maven/wagon/providers/scm/ScmCvsExeWagonTest.java
  AL    /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/java/org/apache/maven/wagon/providers/scm/ScmSvnExeWagonTest.java
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/checkoutlist
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/checkoutlist,v
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/commitinfo
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/commitinfo,v
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/config
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/config,v
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/cvswrappers
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/cvswrappers,v
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/editinfo
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/editinfo,v
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/history
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/loginfo
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/loginfo,v
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/modules
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/modules,v
  B     /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/modules.db
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/notify
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/notify,v
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/rcsinfo
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/rcsinfo,v
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/taginfo
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/taginfo,v
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/val-tags.db
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/verifymsg
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/CVSROOT/verifymsg,v
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-cvs/repository/dummy,v
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/conf/passwd
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/conf/svnserve.conf
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/db/current
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/db/format
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/db/fs-type
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/db/revprops/0
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/db/revprops/1
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/db/revs/0
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/db/revs/1
  N     /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/db/transactions/README.txt
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/db/uuid
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/db/write-lock
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/format
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/hooks/post-commit.tmpl
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/hooks/post-lock.tmpl
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/hooks/post-revprop-change.tmpl
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/hooks/post-unlock.tmpl
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/hooks/pre-commit.tmpl
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/hooks/pre-lock.tmpl
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/hooks/pre-revprop-change.tmpl
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/hooks/pre-unlock.tmpl
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/hooks/start-commit.tmpl
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/locks/db-logs.lock
 !????? /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/locks/db.lock
  N     /Users/olamy/dev/sources/maven/maven-wagon/target/checkout/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/src/test/resources/test-repo-svn/README.txt
 Printing headers for files without AL header...
# The "checkoutlist" file is used to support additional version controlled
# administrative files in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT, such as template files.
# The first entry on a line is a filename which will be checked out from
# the corresponding RCS file in the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT directory.
# The remainder of the line is an error message to use if the file cannot
# be checked out.
# File format:
#	[<whitespace>]<filename>[<whitespace><error message>]<end-of-line>
# comment lines begin with '#'

head     1.1;
access   ;
symbols  ;
locks    ; strict;
comment  @# @;

date     2005.;  author Brett;  state Exp;
next     ;


@initial checkin@
@# The "checkoutlist" file is used to support additional version controlled
# administrative files in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT, such as template files.
# The first entry on a line is a filename which will be checked out from
# the corresponding RCS file in the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT directory.
# The remainder of the line is an error message to use if the file cannot
# be checked out.
# File format:
#	[<whitespace>]<filename>[<whitespace><error message>]<end-of-line>
# comment lines begin with '#'

# The "commitinfo" file is used to control pre-commit checks.
# The filter on the right is invoked with the repository and a list 
# of files to check.  A non-zero exit of the filter program will 
# cause the commit to be aborted.
# The first entry on a line is a regular expression which is tested
# against the directory that the change is being committed to, relative
# to the $CVSROOT.  For the first match that is found, then the remainder
# of the line is the name of the filter to run.
# If the repository name does not match any of the regular expressions in this
# file, the "DEFAULT" line is used, if it is specified.
# If the name "ALL" appears as a regular expression it is always used
# in addition to the first matching regex or "DEFAULT".

head     1.1;
access   ;
symbols  ;
locks    ; strict;
comment  @# @;

date     2005.;  author Brett;  state Exp;
next     ;


@initial checkin@
@# The "commitinfo" file is used to control pre-commit checks.
# The filter on the right is invoked with the repository and a list 
# of files to check.  A non-zero exit of the filter program will 
# cause the commit to be aborted.
# The first entry on a line is a regular expression which is tested
# against the directory that the change is being committed to, relative
# to the $CVSROOT.  For the first match that is found, then the remainder
# of the line is the name of the filter to run.
# If the repository name does not match any of the regular expressions in this
# file, the "DEFAULT" line is used, if it is specified.
# If the name "ALL" appears as a regular expression it is always used
# in addition to the first matching regex or "DEFAULT".

# Set this to "no" if pserver shouldn't check system users/passwords

# Put CVS lock files in this directory rather than directly in the repository.

# Set `TopLevelAdmin' to `yes' to create a CVS directory at the top
# level of the new working directory when using the `cvs checkout'
# command.

# Set `LogHistory' to `all' or `TOEFWUPCGMAR' to log all transactions to the
# history file, or a subset as needed (ie `TMAR' logs all write operations)

# Set `RereadLogAfterVerify' to `always' (the default) to allow the verifymsg
# script to change the log message.  Set it to `stat' to force CVS to verify# that the file has changed before reading it (this can take up to an extra
# second per directory being committed, so it is not recommended for large
# repositories.  Set it to `never' (the previous CVS behavior) to prevent
# verifymsg scripts from changing the log message.

head     1.1;
access   ;
symbols  ;
locks    ; strict;
comment  @# @;

date     2005.;  author Brett;  state Exp;
next     ;


@initial checkin@
@# Set this to "no" if pserver shouldn't check system users/passwords

# Put CVS lock files in this directory rather than directly in the repository.

# Set `TopLevelAdmin' to `yes' to create a CVS directory at the top
# level of the new working directory when using the `cvs checkout'
# command.

# Set `LogHistory' to `all' or `TOEFWUPCGMAR' to log all transactions to the
# history file, or a subset as needed (ie `TMAR' logs all write operations)

# Set `RereadLogAfterVerify' to `always' (the default) to allow the verifymsg
# script to change the log message.  Set it to `stat' to force CVS to verify# that the file has changed before reading it (this can take up to an extra
# second per directory being committed, so it is not recommended for large
# repositories.  Set it to `never' (the previous CVS behavior) to prevent
# verifymsg scripts from changing the log message.

# This file affects handling of files based on their names.
# The -m option specifies whether CVS attempts to merge files.
# The -k option specifies keyword expansion (e.g. -kb for binary).
# Format of wrapper file ($CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvswrappers or .cvswrappers)
#  wildcard	[option value][option value]...
#  where option is one of
#  -f		from cvs filter		value: path to filter
#  -t		to cvs filter		value: path to filter
#  -m		update methodology	value: MERGE or COPY
#  -k		expansion mode		value: b, o, kkv, &c
#  and value is a single-quote delimited value.
# For example:
#*.gif -k 'b'

head     1.1;
access   ;
symbols  ;
locks    ; strict;
comment  @# @;

date     2005.;  author Brett;  state Exp;
next     ;


@initial checkin@
@# This file affects handling of files based on their names.
# The -m option specifies whether CVS attempts to merge files.
# The -k option specifies keyword expansion (e.g. -kb for binary).
# Format of wrapper file ($CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvswrappers or .cvswrappers)
#  wildcard	[option value][option value]...
#  where option is one of
#  -f		from cvs filter		value: path to filter
#  -t		to cvs filter		value: path to filter
#  -m		update methodology	value: MERGE or COPY
#  -k		expansion mode		value: b, o, kkv, &c
#  and value is a single-quote delimited value.
# For example:
#*.gif -k 'b'

# The "editinfo" file is used to allow verification of logging
# information.  It works best when a template (as specified in the
# rcsinfo file) is provided for the logging procedure.  Given a
# template with locations for, a bug-id number, a list of people who
# reviewed the code before it can be checked in, and an external
# process to catalog the differences that were code reviewed, the
# following test can be applied to the code:
#   Making sure that the entered bug-id number is correct.
#   Validating that the code that was reviewed is indeed the code being
#       checked in (using the bug-id number or a seperate review
#       number to identify this particular code set.).
# If any of the above test failed, then the commit would be aborted.
# Actions such as mailing a copy of the report to each reviewer are
# better handled by an entry in the loginfo file.
# One thing that should be noted is the the ALL keyword is not
# supported.  There can be only one entry that matches a given
# repository.

head     1.1;
access   ;
symbols  ;
locks    ; strict;
comment  @# @;

date     2005.;  author Brett;  state Exp;
next     ;


@initial checkin@
@# The "editinfo" file is used to allow verification of logging
# information.  It works best when a template (as specified in the
# rcsinfo file) is provided for the logging procedure.  Given a
# template with locations for, a bug-id number, a list of people who
# reviewed the code before it can be checked in, and an external
# process to catalog the differences that were code reviewed, the
# following test can be applied to the code:
#   Making sure that the entered bug-id number is correct.
#   Validating that the code that was reviewed is indeed the code being
#       checked in (using the bug-id number or a seperate review
#       number to identify this particular code set.).
# If any of the above test failed, then the commit would be aborted.
# Actions such as mailing a copy of the report to each reviewer are
# better handled by an entry in the loginfo file.
# One thing that should be noted is the the ALL keyword is not
# supported.  There can be only one entry that matches a given
# repository.


# The "loginfo" file controls where "cvs commit" log information
# is sent.  The first entry on a line is a regular expression which must match
# the directory that the change is being made to, relative to the
# $CVSROOT.  If a match is found, then the remainder of the line is a filter
# program that should expect log information on its standard input.
# If the repository name does not match any of the regular expressions in this
# file, the "DEFAULT" line is used, if it is specified.
# If the name ALL appears as a regular expression it is always used
# in addition to the first matching regex or DEFAULT.
# You may specify a format string as part of the
# filter.  The string is composed of a `%' followed
# by a single format character, or followed by a set of format
# characters surrounded by `{' and `}' as separators.  The format
# characters are:
#   s = file name
#   V = old version number (pre-checkin)
#   v = new version number (post-checkin)
# For example:
#DEFAULT (echo ""; id; echo %s; date; cat) >> $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitlog
# or
#DEFAULT (echo ""; id; echo %{sVv}; date; cat) >> $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitlog

head     1.1;
access   ;
symbols  ;
locks    ; strict;
comment  @# @;

date     2005.;  author Brett;  state Exp;
next     ;


@initial checkin@
@# The "loginfo" file controls where "cvs commit" log information
# is sent.  The first entry on a line is a regular expression which must match
# the directory that the change is being made to, relative to the
# $CVSROOT.  If a match is found, then the remainder of the line is a filter
# program that should expect log information on its standard input.
# If the repository name does not match any of the regular expressions in this
# file, the "DEFAULT" line is used, if it is specified.
# If the name ALL appears as a regular expression it is always used
# in addition to the first matching regex or DEFAULT.
# You may specify a format string as part of the
# filter.  The string is composed of a `%' followed
# by a single format character, or followed by a set of format
# characters surrounded by `{' and `}' as separators.  The format
# characters are:
#   s = file name
#   V = old version number (pre-checkin)
#   v = new version number (post-checkin)
# For example:
#DEFAULT (echo ""; id; echo %s; date; cat) >> $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitlog
# or
#DEFAULT (echo ""; id; echo %{sVv}; date; cat) >> $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commitlog

# Three different line formats are valid:
#	key	-a    aliases...
#	key [options] directory
#	key [options] directory files...
# Where "options" are composed of:
#	-i prog		Run "prog" on "cvs commit" from top-level of module.
#	-o prog		Run "prog" on "cvs checkout" of module.
#	-e prog		Run "prog" on "cvs export" of module.
#	-t prog		Run "prog" on "cvs rtag" of module.
#	-u prog		Run "prog" on "cvs update" of module.
#	-d dir		Place module in directory "dir" instead of module name.
#	-l		Top-level directory only -- do not recurse.
# NOTE:  If you change any of the "Run" options above, you'll have to
# release and re-checkout any working directories of these modules.
# And "directory" is a path to a directory relative to $CVSROOT.
# The "-a" option specifies an alias.  An alias is interpreted as if
# everything on the right of the "-a" had been typed on the command line.
# You can encode a module within a module by using the special '&'
# character to interpose another module into the current module.  This
# can be useful for creating a module that consists of many directories
# spread out over the entire source repository.

head     1.1;
access   ;
symbols  ;
locks    ; strict;
comment  @# @;

date     2005.;  author Brett;  state Exp;
next     ;


@initial checkin@
@# Three different line formats are valid:
#	key	-a    aliases...
#	key [options] directory
#	key [options] directory files...
# Where "options" are composed of:
#	-i prog		Run "prog" on "cvs commit" from top-level of module.
#	-o prog		Run "prog" on "cvs checkout" of module.
#	-e prog		Run "prog" on "cvs export" of module.
#	-t prog		Run "prog" on "cvs rtag" of module.
#	-u prog		Run "prog" on "cvs update" of module.
#	-d dir		Place module in directory "dir" instead of module name.
#	-l		Top-level directory only -- do not recurse.
# NOTE:  If you change any of the "Run" options above, you'll have to
# release and re-checkout any working directories of these modules.
# And "directory" is a path to a directory relative to $CVSROOT.
# The "-a" option specifies an alias.  An alias is interpreted as if
# everything on the right of the "-a" had been typed on the command line.
# You can encode a module within a module by using the special '&'
# character to interpose another module into the current module.  This
# can be useful for creating a module that consists of many directories
# spread out over the entire source repository.

# The "notify" file controls where notifications from watches set by
# "cvs watch add" or "cvs edit" are sent.  The first entry on a line is
# a regular expression which is tested against the directory that the
# change is being made to, relative to the $CVSROOT.  If it matches,
# then the remainder of the line is a filter program that should contain
# one occurrence of %s for the user to notify, and information on its
# standard input.
# "ALL" or "DEFAULT" can be used in place of the regular expression.
# For example:
#ALL mail -s "CVS notification" %s

head     1.1;
access   ;
symbols  ;
locks    ; strict;
comment  @# @;

date     2005.;  author Brett;  state Exp;
next     ;


@initial checkin@
@# The "notify" file controls where notifications from watches set by
# "cvs watch add" or "cvs edit" are sent.  The first entry on a line is
# a regular expression which is tested against the directory that the
# change is being made to, relative to the $CVSROOT.  If it matches,
# then the remainder of the line is a filter program that should contain
# one occurrence of %s for the user to notify, and information on its
# standard input.
# "ALL" or "DEFAULT" can be used in place of the regular expression.
# For example:
#ALL mail -s "CVS notification" %s

# The "rcsinfo" file is used to control templates with which the editor
# is invoked on commit and import.
# The first entry on a line is a regular expression which is tested
# against the directory that the change is being made to, relative to the
# $CVSROOT.  For the first match that is found, then the remainder of the
# line is the name of the file that contains the template.
# If the repository name does not match any of the regular expressions in this
# file, the "DEFAULT" line is used, if it is specified.
# If the name "ALL" appears as a regular expression it is always used
# in addition to the first matching regex or "DEFAULT".

head     1.1;
access   ;
symbols  ;
locks    ; strict;
comment  @# @;

date     2005.;  author Brett;  state Exp;
next     ;


@initial checkin@
@# The "rcsinfo" file is used to control templates with which the editor
# is invoked on commit and import.
# The first entry on a line is a regular expression which is tested
# against the directory that the change is being made to, relative to the
# $CVSROOT.  For the first match that is found, then the remainder of the
# line is the name of the file that contains the template.
# If the repository name does not match any of the regular expressions in this
# file, the "DEFAULT" line is used, if it is specified.
# If the name "ALL" appears as a regular expression it is always used
# in addition to the first matching regex or "DEFAULT".

# The "taginfo" file is used to control pre-tag checks.
# The filter on the right is invoked with the following arguments:
# $1 -- tagname
# $2 -- operation "add" for tag, "mov" for tag -F, and "del" for tag -d
# $3 -- repository
# $4->  file revision [file revision ...]
# A non-zero exit of the filter program will cause the tag to be aborted.
# The first entry on a line is a regular expression which is tested
# against the directory that the change is being committed to, relative
# to the $CVSROOT.  For the first match that is found, then the remainder
# of the line is the name of the filter to run.
# If the repository name does not match any of the regular expressions in this
# file, the "DEFAULT" line is used, if it is specified.
# If the name "ALL" appears as a regular expression it is always used
# in addition to the first matching regex or "DEFAULT".

head     1.1;
access   ;
symbols  ;
locks    ; strict;
comment  @# @;

date     2005.;  author Brett;  state Exp;
next     ;


@initial checkin@
@# The "taginfo" file is used to control pre-tag checks.
# The filter on the right is invoked with the following arguments:
# $1 -- tagname
# $2 -- operation "add" for tag, "mov" for tag -F, and "del" for tag -d
# $3 -- repository
# $4->  file revision [file revision ...]
# A non-zero exit of the filter program will cause the tag to be aborted.
# The first entry on a line is a regular expression which is tested
# against the directory that the change is being committed to, relative
# to the $CVSROOT.  For the first match that is found, then the remainder
# of the line is the name of the filter to run.
# If the repository name does not match any of the regular expressions in this
# file, the "DEFAULT" line is used, if it is specified.
# If the name "ALL" appears as a regular expression it is always used
# in addition to the first matching regex or "DEFAULT".


# The "verifymsg" file is used to allow verification of logging
# information.  It works best when a template (as specified in the
# rcsinfo file) is provided for the logging procedure.  Given a
# template with locations for, a bug-id number, a list of people who
# reviewed the code before it can be checked in, and an external
# process to catalog the differences that were code reviewed, the
# following test can be applied to the code:
#   Making sure that the entered bug-id number is correct.
#   Validating that the code that was reviewed is indeed the code being
#       checked in (using the bug-id number or a seperate review
#       number to identify this particular code set.).
# If any of the above test failed, then the commit would be aborted.
# Actions such as mailing a copy of the report to each reviewer are
# better handled by an entry in the loginfo file.
# One thing that should be noted is the the ALL keyword is not
# supported.  There can be only one entry that matches a given
# repository.

head     1.1;
access   ;
symbols  ;
locks    ; strict;
comment  @# @;

date     2005.;  author Brett;  state Exp;
next     ;


@initial checkin@
@# The "verifymsg" file is used to allow verification of logging
# information.  It works best when a template (as specified in the
# rcsinfo file) is provided for the logging procedure.  Given a
# template with locations for, a bug-id number, a list of people who
# reviewed the code before it can be checked in, and an external
# process to catalog the differences that were code reviewed, the
# following test can be applied to the code:
#   Making sure that the entered bug-id number is correct.
#   Validating that the code that was reviewed is indeed the code being
#       checked in (using the bug-id number or a seperate review
#       number to identify this particular code set.).
# If any of the above test failed, then the commit would be aborted.
# Actions such as mailing a copy of the report to each reviewer are
# better handled by an entry in the loginfo file.
# One thing that should be noted is the the ALL keyword is not
# supported.  There can be only one entry that matches a given
# repository.

head	1.1;
locks; strict;
comment	@# @;

date	2005.;	author Brett;	state Exp;
next	;


@add a file

### This file is an example password file for svnserve.
### Its format is similar to that of svnserve.conf. As shown in the
### example below it contains one section labelled [users].
### The name and password for each user follow, one account per line.

# [users]
# harry = harryssecret
# sally = sallyssecret

### This file controls the configuration of the svnserve daemon, if you
### use it to allow access to this repository.  (If you only allow
### access through http: and/or file: URLs, then this file is
### irrelevant.)

### Visit http://subversion.tigris.org/ for more information.

# [general]
### These options control access to the repository for unauthenticated
### and authenticated users.  Valid values are "write", "read",
### and "none".  The sample settings below are the defaults.
# anon-access = read
# auth-access = write
### The password-db option controls the location of the password
### database file.  Unless you specify a path starting with a /,
### the file's location is relative to the conf directory.
### Uncomment the line below to use the default password file.
# password-db = passwd
### This option specifies the authentication realm of the repository.
### If two repositories have the same authentication realm, they should
### have the same password database, and vice versa.  The default realm
### is repository's uuid.
# realm = My First Repository

1 2 1



K 8
V 27

K 10
V 8
K 8
V 27
K 7
V 16
Added dummy file

id: 0.0.r0/17
type: dir
count: 0
text: 0 0 4 4 2d2977d1c96f487abe4a1e202dd03b4e
cpath: /

17 107

id: 1.0.r1/17
type: file
count: 0
text: 1 0 4 0 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
cpath: /dummy
copyroot: 0 /

K 5
V 14
file 1.0.r1/17
id: 0.0.r1/174
type: dir
pred: 0.0.r0/17
count: 1
text: 1 127 34 34 23813f82a26f6a67845220c645224804
cpath: /
copyroot: 0 /

_0.0.t0-1 add true false /dummy

174 299





# The post-commit hook is invoked after a commit.  Subversion runs
# this hook by invoking a program (script, executable, binary, etc.)
# named 'post-commit' (for which this file is a template) with the 
# following ordered arguments:
#   [1] REPOS-PATH   (the path to this repository)
#   [2] REV          (the number of the revision just committed)
# The default working directory for the invocation is undefined, so
# the program should set one explicitly if it cares.
# Because the commit has already completed and cannot be undone,
# the exit code of the hook program is ignored.  The hook program
# can use the 'svnlook' utility to help it examine the
# newly-committed tree.
# On a Unix system, the normal procedure is to have 'post-commit'
# invoke other programs to do the real work, though it may do the
# work itself too.
# Note that 'post-commit' must be executable by the user(s) who will
# invoke it (typically the user httpd runs as), and that user must
# have filesystem-level permission to access the repository.
# On a Windows system, you should name the hook program
# 'post-commit.bat' or 'post-commit.exe',
# but the basic idea is the same.
# The hook program typically does not inherit the environment of
# its parent process.  For example, a common problem is for the
# PATH environment variable to not be set to its usual value, so
# that subprograms fail to launch unless invoked via absolute path.
# If you're having unexpected problems with a hook program, the
# culprit may be unusual (or missing) environment variables.
# Here is an example hook script, for a Unix /bin/sh interpreter.# For more examples and pre-written hooks, see those in
# the Subversion repository at
# http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/tools/hook-scripts/ and
# http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/contrib/hook-scripts/


commit-email.pl "$REPOS" "$REV" commit-watchers@example.org
log-commit.py --repository "$REPOS" --revision "$REV"


# The post-lock hook is run after a path is locked.  Subversion runs
# this hook by invoking a program (script, executable, binary, etc.)
# named 'post-lock' (for which this file is a template) with the 
# following ordered arguments:
#   [1] REPOS-PATH   (the path to this repository)
#   [2] USER         (the user who created the lock)
# The paths that were just locked are passed to the hook via STDIN (As
# of Subversion 1.2, only one path is passed per invocation, but the
# plan is to pass all locked paths at once in Subversion 1.3 and
# later).
# The default working directory for the invocation is undefined, so
# the program should set one explicitly if it cares.
# Because the lock has already been created and cannot be undone,
# the exit code of the hook program is ignored.  The hook program
# can use the 'svnlook' utility to help it examine the
# newly-created lock.
# On a Unix system, the normal procedure is to have 'post-lock'
# invoke other programs to do the real work, though it may do the
# work itself too.
# Note that 'post-lock' must be executable by the user(s) who will
# invoke it (typically the user httpd runs as), and that user must
# have filesystem-level permission to access the repository.
# On a Windows system, you should name the hook program
# 'post-lock.bat' or 'post-lock.exe',
# but the basic idea is the same.
# Here is an example hook script, for a Unix /bin/sh interpreter:


# Send email to interested parties, let them know a lock was created:
mailer.py lock "$REPOS" "$USER" /path/to/mailer.conf


# The post-revprop-change hook is invoked after a revision property
# has been added, modified or deleted.  Subversion runs this hook by
# invoking a program (script, executable, binary, etc.) named
# 'post-revprop-change' (for which this file is a template), with the
# following ordered arguments:
#   [1] REPOS-PATH   (the path to this repository)
#   [2] REV          (the revision that was tweaked)
#   [3] USER         (the username of the person tweaking the property)
#   [4] PROPNAME     (the property that was changed)
#   [5] ACTION       (the property was 'A'dded, 'M'odified, or 'D'eleted)
#   [STDIN] PROPVAL  ** the old property value is passed via STDIN.
# Because the propchange has already completed and cannot be undone,
# the exit code of the hook program is ignored.  The hook program
# can use the 'svnlook' utility to help it examine the
# new property value.
# On a Unix system, the normal procedure is to have 'post-revprop-change'
# invoke other programs to do the real work, though it may do the
# work itself too.
# Note that 'post-revprop-change' must be executable by the user(s) who will
# invoke it (typically the user httpd runs as), and that user must
# have filesystem-level permission to access the repository.
# On a Windows system, you should name the hook program
# 'post-revprop-change.bat' or 'post-revprop-change.exe',
# but the basic idea is the same.
# The hook program typically does not inherit the environment of
# its parent process.  For example, a common problem is for the
# PATH environment variable to not be set to its usual value, so
# that subprograms fail to launch unless invoked via absolute path.
# If you're having unexpected problems with a hook program, the
# culprit may be unusual (or missing) environment variables.
# Here is an example hook script, for a Unix /bin/sh interpreter.# For more examples and pre-written hooks, see those in
# the Subversion repository at
# http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/tools/hook-scripts/ and
# http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/contrib/hook-scripts/



# The post-unlock hook runs after a path is unlocked.  Subversion runs
# this hook by invoking a program (script, executable, binary, etc.)
# named 'post-unlock' (for which this file is a template) with the 
# following ordered arguments:
#   [1] REPOS-PATH   (the path to this repository)
#   [2] USER         (the user who destroyed the lock)
# The paths that were just unlocked are passed to the hook via STDIN
# (As of Subversion 1.2, only one path is passed per invocation, but
# the plan is to pass all locked paths at once in Subversion 1.3 and
# later).
# The default working directory for the invocation is undefined, so
# the program should set one explicitly if it cares.
# Because the lock has already been destroyed and cannot be undone,
# the exit code of the hook program is ignored.
# On a Unix system, the normal procedure is to have 'post-unlock'
# invoke other programs to do the real work, though it may do the
# work itself too.
# Note that 'post-unlock' must be executable by the user(s) who will
# invoke it (typically the user httpd runs as), and that user must
# have filesystem-level permission to access the repository.
# On a Windows system, you should name the hook program
# 'post-unlock.bat' or 'post-unlock.exe',
# but the basic idea is the same.
# Here is an example hook script, for a Unix /bin/sh interpreter:


# Send email to interested parties, let them know a lock was removed:
mailer.py unlock "$REPOS" "$USER" /path/to/mailer.conf


# The pre-commit hook is invoked before a Subversion txn is
# committed.  Subversion runs this hook by invoking a program
# (script, executable, binary, etc.) named 'pre-commit' (for which
# this file is a template), with the following ordered arguments:
#   [1] REPOS-PATH   (the path to this repository)
#   [2] TXN-NAME     (the name of the txn about to be committed)
# The default working directory for the invocation is undefined, so
# the program should set one explicitly if it cares.
# If the hook program exits with success, the txn is committed; but
# if it exits with failure (non-zero), the txn is aborted, no commit
# takes place, and STDERR is returned to the client.   The hook
# program can use the 'svnlook' utility to help it examine the txn.
# On a Unix system, the normal procedure is to have 'pre-commit'
# invoke other programs to do the real work, though it may do the
# work itself too.
#   ***  FOR REVISION PROPERTIES (like svn:log or svn:author).   ***
#   This is why we recommend using the read-only 'svnlook' utility.
#   In the future, Subversion may enforce the rule that pre-commit
#   hooks should not modify the versioned data in txns, or else come
#   up with a mechanism to make it safe to do so (by informing the
#   committing client of the changes).  However, right now neither
#   mechanism is implemented, so hook writers just have to be careful.
# Note that 'pre-commit' must be executable by the user(s) who will
# invoke it (typically the user httpd runs as), and that user must
# have filesystem-level permission to access the repository.
# On a Windows system, you should name the hook program
# 'pre-commit.bat' or 'pre-commit.exe',
# but the basic idea is the same.
# The hook program typically does not inherit the environment of
# its parent process.  For example, a common problem is for the
# PATH environment variable to not be set to its usual value, so
# that subprograms fail to launch unless invoked via absolute path.
# If you're having unexpected problems with a hook program, the
# culprit may be unusual (or missing) environment variables.
# Here is an example hook script, for a Unix /bin/sh interpreter.# For more examples and pre-written hooks, see those in


# The pre-lock hook is invoked before an exclusive lock is
# created.  Subversion runs this hook by invoking a program 
# (script, executable, binary, etc.) named 'pre-lock' (for which
# this file is a template), with the following ordered arguments:
#   [1] REPOS-PATH   (the path to this repository)
#   [2] PATH         (the path in the repository about to be locked)
#   [3] USER         (the user creating the lock)
# The default working directory for the invocation is undefined, so
# the program should set one explicitly if it cares.
# If the hook program exits with success, the lock is created; but
# if it exits with failure (non-zero), the lock action is aborted
# and STDERR is returned to the client.

# On a Unix system, the normal procedure is to have 'pre-lock'
# invoke other programs to do the real work, though it may do the
# work itself too.
# Note that 'pre-lock' must be executable by the user(s) who will
# invoke it (typically the user httpd runs as), and that user must
# have filesystem-level permission to access the repository.
# On a Windows system, you should name the hook program
# 'pre-lock.bat' or 'pre-lock.exe',
# but the basic idea is the same.
# Here is an example hook script, for a Unix /bin/sh interpreter:


# If a lock exists and is owned by a different person, don't allow it
# to be broken.

# (Maybe this script could send email to the to the lock owner?)

            $GREP '^Owner:' | $SED 's/Owner: //'`

# If we get no result from svnlook, there's no lock, allow the lock to


# The pre-revprop-change hook is invoked before a revision property
# is added, modified or deleted.  Subversion runs this hook by invoking
# a program (script, executable, binary, etc.) named 'pre-revprop-change'
# (for which this file is a template), with the following ordered
# arguments:
#   [1] REPOS-PATH   (the path to this repository)
#   [2] REVISION     (the revision being tweaked)
#   [3] USER         (the username of the person tweaking the property)
#   [4] PROPNAME     (the property being set on the revision)
#   [5] ACTION       (the property is being 'A'dded, 'M'odified, or 'D'eleted)
#   [STDIN] PROPVAL  ** the new property value is passed via STDIN.
# If the hook program exits with success, the propchange happens; but
# if it exits with failure (non-zero), the propchange doesn't happen.
# The hook program can use the 'svnlook' utility to examine the 
# existing value of the revision property.
# WARNING: unlike other hooks, this hook MUST exist for revision
# properties to be changed.  If the hook does not exist, Subversion 
# will behave as if the hook were present, but failed.  The reason
# for this is that revision properties are UNVERSIONED, meaning that
# a successful propchange is destructive;  the old value is gone
# forever.  We recommend the hook back up the old value somewhere.
# On a Unix system, the normal procedure is to have 'pre-revprop-change'
# invoke other programs to do the real work, though it may do the
# work itself too.
# Note that 'pre-revprop-change' must be executable by the user(s) who will
# invoke it (typically the user httpd runs as), and that user must
# have filesystem-level permission to access the repository.
# On a Windows system, you should name the hook program
# 'pre-revprop-change.bat' or 'pre-revprop-change.exe',
# but the basic idea is the same.
# The hook program typically does not inherit the environment of
# its parent process.  For example, a common problem is for the
# PATH environment variable to not be set to its usual value, so
# that subprograms fail to launch unless invoked via absolute path.
# If you're having unexpected problems with a hook program, the
# culprit may be unusual (or missing) environment variables.
# Here is an example hook script, for a Unix /bin/sh interpreter.# For more examples and pre-written hooks, see those in


# The pre-unlock hook is invoked before an exclusive lock is
# destroyed.  Subversion runs this hook by invoking a program 
# (script, executable, binary, etc.) named 'pre-unlock' (for which
# this file is a template), with the following ordered arguments:
#   [1] REPOS-PATH   (the path to this repository)
#   [2] PATH         (the path in the repository about to be unlocked)
#   [3] USER         (the user destroying the lock)
# The default working directory for the invocation is undefined, so
# the program should set one explicitly if it cares.
# If the hook program exits with success, the lock is destroyed; but
# if it exits with failure (non-zero), the unlock action is aborted
# and STDERR is returned to the client.

# On a Unix system, the normal procedure is to have 'pre-unlock'
# invoke other programs to do the real work, though it may do the
# work itself too.
# Note that 'pre-unlock' must be executable by the user(s) who will
# invoke it (typically the user httpd runs as), and that user must
# have filesystem-level permission to access the repository.
# On a Windows system, you should name the hook program
# 'pre-unlock.bat' or 'pre-unlock.exe',
# but the basic idea is the same.
# Here is an example hook script, for a Unix /bin/sh interpreter:


# If a lock is owned by a different person, don't allow it be broken.
# (Maybe this script could send email to the to the lock owner?)


            $GREP '^Owner: ' | $SED 's/Owner: //'`

# If we get no result from svnlook, there's no lock, return success:
if [ "$LOCK_OWNER" == "" ]; then


# The start-commit hook is invoked before a Subversion txn is created
# in the process of doing a commit.  Subversion runs this hook
# by invoking a program (script, executable, binary, etc.) named
# 'start-commit' (for which this file is a template)
# with the following ordered arguments:
#   [1] REPOS-PATH   (the path to this repository)
#   [2] USER         (the authenticated user attempting to commit)
# The default working directory for the invocation is undefined, so
# the program should set one explicitly if it cares.
# If the hook program exits with success, the commit continues; but
# if it exits with failure (non-zero), the commit is stopped before
# a Subversion txn is created, and STDERR is returned to the client.
# On a Unix system, the normal procedure is to have 'start-commit'
# invoke other programs to do the real work, though it may do the
# work itself too.
# Note that 'start-commit' must be executable by the user(s) who will
# invoke it (typically the user httpd runs as), and that user must
# have filesystem-level permission to access the repository.
# On a Windows system, you should name the hook program
# 'start-commit.bat' or 'start-commit.exe',
# but the basic idea is the same.
# The hook program typically does not inherit the environment of
# its parent process.  For example, a common problem is for the
# PATH environment variable to not be set to its usual value, so
# that subprograms fail to launch unless invoked via absolute path.
# If you're having unexpected problems with a hook program, the
# culprit may be unusual (or missing) environment variables.
# Here is an example hook script, for a Unix /bin/sh interpreter.# For more examples and pre-written hooks, see those in
# the Subversion repository at
# http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/tools/hook-scripts/ and
# http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/contrib/hook-scripts/


commit-allower.pl --repository "$REPOS" --user "$USER" || exit 1
special-auth-check.py --user "$USER" --auth-level 3 || exit 1

DB logs lock file, representing locks on the versioned filesystem logs.

All log manipulators of the repository's
Berkeley DB environment take out exclusive locks on this file
to ensure that only one accessor manupulates the logs at the time.

You should never have to edit or remove this file.

DB lock file, representing locks on the versioned filesystem.

All accessors -- both readers and writers -- of the repository's
Berkeley DB environment take out shared locks on this file, and
each accessor removes its lock when done.  If and when the DB
recovery procedure is run, the recovery code takes out an
exclusive lock on this file, so we can be sure no one else is
using the DB during the recovery.

You should never have to edit or remove this file.