CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.3.


    public SerializingDependencyNodeVisitor( Writer writer, GraphTokens tokens )
        if ( writer instanceof PrintWriter )
            this.writer = (PrintWriter) writer;
            this.writer = new PrintWriter( writer, true );

        this.tokens = tokens;

        depth = 0;

    // DependencyNodeVisitor methods ------------------------------------------

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean visit( DependencyNode node )
        indent( node );

        writer.println( node.toNodeString() );


        return true;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean endVisit( DependencyNode node )

        return true;

    // private methods --------------------------------------------------------

     * Writes the necessary tokens to indent the specified dependency node to this visitor's writer.
     * @param node
     *            the dependency node to indent
    private void indent( DependencyNode node )
        for ( int i = 1; i < depth; i++ )
            writer.write( tokens.getFillIndent( isLast( node, i ) ) );

        if ( depth > 0 )
            writer.write( tokens.getNodeIndent( isLast( node ) ) );

     * Gets whether the specified dependency node is the last of its siblings.
     * @param node
     *            the dependency node to check
     * @return <code>true</code> if the specified dependency node is the last of its last siblings
    private boolean isLast( DependencyNode node )
        // TODO: remove node argument and calculate from visitor calls only
        DependencyNode parent = node.getParent();

        boolean last;

        if ( parent == null )
            last = true;
            List<DependencyNode> siblings = parent.getChildren();

            last = ( siblings.indexOf( node ) == siblings.size() - 1 );

        return last;

     * Gets whether the specified dependency node ancestor is the last of its siblings.
     * @param node
     *            the dependency node whose ancestor to check
     * @param ancestorDepth
     *            the depth of the ancestor of the specified dependency node to check
     * @return <code>true</code> if the specified dependency node ancestor is the last of its siblings
    private boolean isLast( DependencyNode node, int ancestorDepth )
        // TODO: remove node argument and calculate from visitor calls only
        int distance = depth - ancestorDepth;

        while ( distance-- > 0 )
            node = node.getParent();

        return isLast( node );
public class FilteringDependencyNodeVisitor
    implements DependencyNodeVisitor
    // fields -----------------------------------------------------------------

     * The dependency node visitor to delegate to.
    private final DependencyNodeVisitor visitor;

     * The dependency node filter to apply before delegation.
    private final DependencyNodeFilter filter;

    // constructors -----------------------------------------------------------

     * Creates a dependency node visitor that delegates nodes that are accepted by the specified filter to the specified
     * visitor.
     * @param visitor
     *            the dependency node visitor to delegate to
     * @param filter
     *            the dependency node filter to apply before delegation
    public FilteringDependencyNodeVisitor( DependencyNodeVisitor visitor, DependencyNodeFilter filter )
        this.visitor = visitor;
        this.filter = filter;

    // DependencyNodeVisitor methods ------------------------------------------

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean visit( DependencyNode node )
        boolean visit;

        if ( filter.accept( node ) )
            visit = visitor.visit( node );
            visit = true;

        return visit;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean endVisit( DependencyNode node )
        boolean visit;

        if ( filter.accept( node ) )
            visit = visitor.endVisit( node );
            visit = true;

        return visit;

    // public methods ---------------------------------------------------------

     * Gets the dependency node visitor that this visitor delegates to.
     * @return the dependency node visitor
    public DependencyNodeVisitor getDependencyNodeVisitor()
        return visitor;

     * Gets the dependency node filter that this visitor applies before delegation.
     * @return the dependency node filter
    public DependencyNodeFilter getDependencyNodeFilter()
        return filter;
public class AncestorOrSelfDependencyNodeFilter
    implements DependencyNodeFilter
    // fields -----------------------------------------------------------------

     * The list of nodes that this filter accepts ancestors-or-self of.
    private final List<DependencyNode> descendantNodes;

    // constructors -----------------------------------------------------------

    public AncestorOrSelfDependencyNodeFilter( DependencyNode descendantNode )
        this( Collections.singletonList( descendantNode ) );

     * Creates a dependency node filter that only accepts nodes that are ancestors of, or equal to, the specified list
     * of nodes.
     * @param descendantNodes
     *            the list of nodes to accept ancestors-or-self of
    public AncestorOrSelfDependencyNodeFilter( List<DependencyNode> descendantNodes )
        this.descendantNodes = descendantNodes;

    // DependencyNodeFilter methods -------------------------------------------

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean accept( DependencyNode node )
        for ( DependencyNode descendantNode : descendantNodes )
            if ( isAncestorOrSelf( node, descendantNode ) )
                return true;

        return false;

    // private methods --------------------------------------------------------

     * Gets whether the first dependency node is an ancestor-or-self of the second.
     * @param ancestorNode
     *            the ancestor-or-self dependency node
     * @param descendantNode
     *            the dependency node to test
     * @return <code>true</code> if <code>ancestorNode</code> is an ancestor, or equal to,
     *         <code>descendantNode</code>
    private boolean isAncestorOrSelf( DependencyNode ancestorNode, DependencyNode descendantNode )
        boolean ancestor = false;

        while ( !ancestor && descendantNode != null )
            ancestor = ancestorNode.equals( descendantNode );

            descendantNode = descendantNode.getParent();

        return ancestor;
public class AndDependencyNodeFilter
    implements DependencyNodeFilter
    // fields -----------------------------------------------------------------

     * The dependency node filters that this filter ANDs together.
    private final List<DependencyNodeFilter> filters;

    // constructors -----------------------------------------------------------

     * Creates a dependency node filter that logically ANDs together the two specified dependency node filters.
     * @param filter1
     *            the first dependency node filter to logically AND together
     * @param filter2
     *            the second dependency node filter to logically AND together
    public AndDependencyNodeFilter( DependencyNodeFilter filter1, DependencyNodeFilter filter2 )
        this( Arrays.asList( new DependencyNodeFilter[] { filter1, filter2 } ) );

     * Creates a dependency node filter that logically ANDs together the specified dependency node filters.
     * @param filters
     *            the list of dependency node filters to logically AND together
    public AndDependencyNodeFilter( List<DependencyNodeFilter> filters )
        this.filters = Collections.unmodifiableList( filters );

    // DependencyNodeFilter methods -------------------------------------------

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean accept( DependencyNode node )
        for ( DependencyNodeFilter filter : filters )
            if ( !filter.accept( node ) )
                return false;

        return true;

    // public methods ---------------------------------------------------------

     * Gets the list of dependency node filters that this filter ANDs together.
     * @return the dependency node filters that this filter ANDs together
    public List<DependencyNodeFilter> getDependencyNodeFilters()
        return filters;
        for ( org.eclipse.aether.graph.DependencyNode child : node.getChildren() )
            Artifact childArtifact = getDependencyArtifact( child.getDependency() );

            if ( ( filter == null ) || filter.include( childArtifact ) )
                nodes.add( buildDependencyNode( current, child, childArtifact, filter ) );

        current.setChildren( Collections.unmodifiableList( nodes ) );

        return current;

    private String getVersionSelectedFromRange( VersionConstraint constraint )
        if ( ( constraint == null ) || ( constraint.getVersion() != null ) )
            return null;