Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Deprecated Work 0 @deprecated
FIXME Work 0 fixme, @fixme
Todo Work 4 todo, @todo

Each tag is detailed below:

Todo Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 4

org.apache.maven.scm.provider.cvslib.command.add.AbstractCvsAddCommand Line
separate the CVSlib stuff from the cvs command line so it is clear what needs to be updated eventually 42
org.apache.maven.scm.provider.cvslib.command.diff.CvsDiffConsumer Line
share with SVN (3 extra lines can be ignored) 37
org.apache.maven.scm.provider.cvslib.command.login.CvsPass Line
Update this class for support password storage in cvsnt. CVSNT use the windows registry, so, we need a jni tool for access to the windows registry 36
org.apache.maven.scm.provider.cvslib.command.remove.AbstractCvsRemoveCommand Line
separate the CVSlib stuff from the cvs command line so it is clear what needs to be updated eventually 43