License: Commercial
For all URLs below, we use a colon (:) as separator. If you use a colon for one of the variables (e.g. a windows path), then use a pipe (|) as separator.
project_name: This is the name of the project from which the checkout is done.
project_version: This is the version of the project from which the checkout is done (usually a prep project).
release: This is the release.
purpose: This is the purpose.
instance: This is the (optional) instance of the project from which the checkout is done (usually a prep project). Default is 1.
scm:synergy:MyProject:~:int_1.0:MyProject/2.0:Devel:1 scm|synergy|MyProject|-|int_1.0|MyProject/2.0|Devel:db1#1
ccm start command shall use -rc in addition to below options for remote linux clients.
Checkout purpose is to get sources from a working Work Area to a given folder. First, it checks if a work area already exists with the given version. If yes, it only synchronizes and reconfigures the existing one, and then copies file to the expecting folder. If no Work Area exists, then a checkout is done.
To specify the version of the checkout working project, use tag parameter.
When a 'checkout' happens, the following scm commands are generated
ccm start -m -q -nogui -n <username> -pw <password> ccm query -u -f %objectname "owner='<username>' and status='working' and type='project' and has_predecessor('<project_spec>')" //Check for existing checkout ccm synchronize -p <working_project_spec> ccm reconfigure -p <working_project_spec> ccm checkout -subprojects -rel [-t <tag>] -purpose <purpose> -release <release> -p <project_spec> // If no existing working project exists ccm stop
Reconfigure project with default reconfigure template, and copy file from work area to expected folder.
ccm start -m -q -nogui -n <username> -pw <password> ccm query -u -f %objectname "owner='<username>' and status='working' and type='project' and has_predecessor('<project_spec>')" //Check for existing checkout ccm reconfigure -r -p <working_project_spec> ccm stop
Create a default task, add new file(s) to the repository and checkin the task. message You can change the synopsis of the task by setting this parameter
ccm start -m -q -nogui -n <username> -pw <password> ccm task -create -def -release <release> -synopsis <message> ccm create -c <message> <filename> ccm task -checkin <task_spec> -comment <message> ccm stop
Remove a file from repository.
ccm start -m -q -nogui -n <username> -pw <password> ccm delete <filename> ccm stop
Get modified files history. In order to parse output of Synergy command, we need to know different parameters:
ccm start -m -q -nogui -n <username> -pw <password> ccm query -u is_task_in_folder_of(is_folder_in_rp_of('<project_spec>')) and completion_date>time(<startDate>) and completion_date<time(<endDate>) ccm task -show objects <task> ccm stop
Checkin the default task.
ccm start -m -q -nogui -n <username> -pw <password> ccm task -checkin default -c <message> ccm stop
Create a default task and checkout file(s).
ccm start -m -q -nogui -n <username> -pw <password> ccm task -create -def -release <release> -synopsis <message> ccm co <filename> ccm stop