All Classes and Interfaces

Named lock support implementation that is using "adapted" semaphore (to be able to use semaphores not sharing common API).
Wrapper for semaphore-like stuff, that do not share common ancestor.
Implementation of composite lock when "composition" is needed for locks that are naturally mapped as 1:1 name vs some backing implementation.
Named lock that uses FileLock.
Named locks factory of FileLockNamedLocks.
A JVM-local named lock factory that uses named ReentrantReadWriteLocks.
A JVM-local named lock factory that uses named Semaphores.
Exception thrown when lock upgrade attempted that we do not support.
A named lock, functionally similar to existing JVM and other implementations.
A factory of NamedLocks.
Support class for NamedLockFactory implementations providing reference counting.
A named lock key.
Support class for NamedLock implementations providing reference counting.
A no-op lock factory, that creates no-op locks.
Named lock support implementation that is using ReadWriteLock instances.
Retry helper: retries given Callable as long as it returns null (interpreted as "no answer yet") or given time passes.
Marker interface to apply onto exceptions to make them "never retried" when thrown.