All Classes and Interfaces

Named lock support implementation that is using "adapted" semaphore (to be able to use semaphores not sharing common API).
Wrapper for semaphore-like stuff, that do not share common ancestor.
Named lock that uses FileLock.
Named locks factory of FileLockNamedLocks.
A JVM-local named lock factory that uses named ReentrantReadWriteLocks.
A JVM-local named lock factory that uses named Semaphores.
A named lock, functionally similar to existing JVM and other implementations.
A factory of NamedLocks.
Support class for NamedLockFactory implementations providing reference counting.
Support class for NamedLock implementations providing reference counting.
A no-op lock factory, that creates no-op locks.
Named lock support implementation that is using ReadWriteLock instances.
Retry helper: retries given Callable as long as it returns null (interpreted as "no answer yet") or given time passes.