Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Deprecated Work 3 @deprecated
FIXME Work 0 fixme, @fixme
Todo Work 9 todo, @todo

Each tag is detailed below:

Deprecated Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 3

org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.fromConfiguration.AbstractFromConfigurationMojo Line
Use 'overWriteIfNewer' or 'mdep.overWriteIfNewer' as this does nothing now. 82
org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.resolvers.OldResolveDependencySourcesMojo Line
in favor of {@code resolve-sources} goal and will be removed in a future version 30
org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.utils.DependencyUtil Line
specify an encoding instead of a log 212

Todo Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 9

org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.TestCollectMojo Line
Test skipping artifacts. 106
org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.analyze.TestAnalyzeDuplicateMojo Line
Not sure how best to set these for this implementation... 155
org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.exclusion.AnalyzeExclusionsMojoTest Line
Not sure how best to set these for this implementation... 329
org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.fromDependencies.AbstractDependencyFilterMojo Line
Set marker files. 487
org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.fromDependencies.BuildClasspathMojo Line
add param for prepending groupId and version. 273
org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.resolvers.ResolveDependenciesMojoTest Line
implement logger to check correct output this test is just looking for unexpected exceptions. 64
org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.resolvers.TestResolveMojo Line
Test skipping artifacts. 85
org.apache.maven.plugins.dependency.tree.TreeMojo Line
note that filter does not get applied due to MSHARED-4 223
remove the need for this when the serializer can calculate last nodes from visitor calls only 324