CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.2.2.


File Line
org\apache\maven\plugin\eclipse\writers\rad\RadApplicationXMLWriter.java 57
org\apache\maven\plugin\eclipse\writers\wtp\EclipseWtpApplicationXMLWriter.java 37

    private static final String APPLICATION_XML_APPLICATION = "application";

    private static final String APPLICATION_XML_CONTEXT_ROOT = "context-root";

    private static final String APPLICATION_XML_DESCRIPTION = "description";

    private static final String APPLICATION_XML_DISPLAY_NAME = "display-name";

    private static final String APPLICATION_XML_FILENAME = "application.xml";

    private static final String APPLICATION_XML_MODULE = "module";

    private static final String APPLICATION_XML_WEB = "web";

    private static final String APPLICATION_XML_WEB_URI = "web-uri";

    private static final String HREF = "href";

    private static final String ID = "id";

    private static final String MODULEMAP_EARPROJECT_MAP = "modulemap:EARProjectMap";

    private static final String MODULEMAPS_APPLICATION_EJB_MODULE = "application:EjbModule";

    private static final String MODULEMAPS_APPLICATION_WEB_MODULE = "application:WebModule";

    private static final String MODULEMAPS_FILENAME = ".modulemaps";

    private static final String MODULEMAPS_MAPPINGS = "mappings";

    private static final String MODULEMAPS_PROJECT_NAME = "projectName";

    private static final String MODULEMAPS_UTILITY_JARMAPPINGS = "utilityJARMappings";

    private static final String URI = "uri";

    private static final String VERSION = "version";

    private static final String XMI_ID = "xmi:id";

    private static final String XMI_TYPE = "xmi:type";

    private static final String XMI_VERSION = "xmi:version";

    private static final String XMLNS = "xmlns";

    private static final String XMLNS_APPLICATION = "xmlns:application";

    private static final String XMLNS_MODULEMAP = "xmlns:modulemap";

    private static final String XMLNS_SCHEMA_LOCATION = "xmlns:schemaLocation";

File Line
org\apache\maven\plugin\eclipse\writers\EclipseAjdtWriter.java 157
org\apache\maven\plugin\eclipse\writers\EclipseClasspathWriter.java 450
        else if ( dep.isReferencedProject() && config.isPde() )
            // don't do anything, referenced projects are automatically handled by eclipse in PDE builds
            File artifactPath = dep.getFile();

            if ( artifactPath == null )
                log.error( Messages.getString( "EclipsePlugin.artifactpathisnull", dep.getId() ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

            if ( dep.isSystemScoped() )
                path = IdeUtils.toRelativeAndFixSeparator( config.getEclipseProjectDirectory(), artifactPath, false );

                if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
                    log.debug( Messages.getString( "EclipsePlugin.artifactissystemscoped", //$NON-NLS-1$
                                                   new Object[] { dep.getArtifactId(), path } ) );

File Line
org\apache\maven\plugin\eclipse\writers\rad\RadApplicationXMLWriter.java 398
org\apache\maven\plugin\eclipse\writers\wtp\EclipseWtpApplicationXMLWriter.java 478
                    if ( newModulemapsXmlDomChildren[newIndex] == this.modulemapsXmlDomChildren[index] )
                        modulemapsXmlDom.removeChild( newIndex );
        for ( int index = 0; index < this.applicationXmlDomChildren.length; index++ )
            if ( this.applicationXmlDomChildren[index] != null )
                Xpp3Dom[] newApplicationXmlDomChildren = applicationXmlDom.getChildren();
                for ( int newIndex = 0; newIndex < newApplicationXmlDomChildren.length; newIndex++ )
                    if ( newApplicationXmlDomChildren[newIndex] == this.applicationXmlDomChildren[index] )
                        applicationXmlDom.removeChild( newIndex );

     * update the application.xml and the .modulemaps file for a specified dependency.all WAR an EJB dependencies will
     * go in both files all others only in the modulemaps files. Webapplications contextroots are corrected to the
     * contextRoot specified in the pom.
     * @param applicationXmlDom dom-tree of application.xml
     * @param modulemapXmlDom dom-tree of modulemaps
     * @param dependency the eclipse dependency to handle
    private void updateApplicationXml( Xpp3Dom applicationXmlDom, Xpp3Dom modulemapXmlDom, IdeDependency dependency )