[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
219 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 75.895 |
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Package | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.utils | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.344 |
org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.fromConfiguration | 44 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 10.287 |
org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.utils.markers | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.612 |
org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.utils.translators | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.408 |
org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.utils.filters | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.025 |
org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.its | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.003 |
org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency | 112 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 64.216 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
TestDependencyStatusSets | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.339 | |
TestDependencyUtil | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.004 | |
TestSilentLog | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.001 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
TestArtifactItem | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.154 | |
TestCopyMojo | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 3.171 | |
TestUnpackMojo | 17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 5.962 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
TestDefaultMarkerFileHandler | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.003 | |
TestSourcesMarkerFileHandler | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.011 | |
TestUnpackMarkerFileHandler | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.598 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
TestClassifierTypeTranslator | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.408 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
TestDestFileFilter | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.01 | |
TestMarkerFileFilter | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.015 | |
TestResolveMarkerFileFilter | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
DependencyPluginTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.003 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
TestAnalyzeDepMgt | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.01 | |
TestAnalyzeDuplicateMojo | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.172 | |
TestBuildClasspathMojo | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.204 | |
TestCopyDependenciesMojo | 31 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 5.329 | |
TestCopyDependenciesMojo2 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.066 | |
TestGetMojo | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 8.712 | |
TestIncludeExcludeUnpackDependenciesMojo | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.506 | |
TestIncludeExcludeUnpackMojo | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 2.201 | |
TestPropertiesMojo | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.048 | |
TestResolveMojo | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.108 | |
TestTreeMojo | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.362 | |
TestUnpackDependenciesMojo | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 34.634 | |
TestUnpackDependenciesMojo2 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 9.864 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
testGetArtifactItems | 0.275 | |
testMojoDefaults | 0.086 | |
testCopyFile | 0.105 | |
testSkip | 0.11 | |
testCopyFileNoOverwrite | 0.103 | |
testCopyToLocation | 0.113 | |
testCopyStripVersionSetInMojo | 0.099 | |
testNonClassifierStrip | 0.09 | |
testNonClassifierNoStrip | 0.157 | |
testMissingVersionNotFound | 0.083 | |
testMissingVersionFromDependencies | 0.099 | |
testMissingVersionFromDependenciesLooseMatch | 0.094 | |
testMissingVersionFromDependenciesWithClassifier | 0.101 | |
testMissingVersionFromDependencyMgt | 0.094 | |
testMissingVersionFromDependencyMgtLooseMatch | 0.158 | |
testMissingVersionFromDependencyMgtWithClassifier | 0.109 | |
testArtifactNotFound | 0.089 | |
testArtifactResolutionException | 0.088 | |
testNoArtifactItems | 0.084 | |
testCopyDontOverWriteReleases | 0.29 | |
testCopyDontOverWriteSnapshots | 0.317 | |
testCopyOverWriteReleases | 0.111 | |
testCopyOverWriteSnapshot | 0.094 | |
testCopyOverWriteIfNewer | 0.073 | |
testCopyFileWithOverideLocalRepo | 0.134 |
testGetArtifactItems | 0.357 | |
testSkip | 0.479 | |
testMissingVersionNotFound | 0.076 | |
testMissingVersionFromDependencies | 0.205 | |
testMissingVersionFromDependenciesWithClassifier | 0.183 | |
testMissingVersionFromDependencyMgt | 0.193 | |
testMissingVersionFromDependencyMgtWithClassifier | 0.168 | |
testArtifactNotFound | 0.085 | |
testArtifactResolutionException | 0.065 | |
testNoArtifactItems | 0.062 | |
testUnpackFile | 0.967 | |
testUnpackToLocation | 0.934 | |
testUnpackDontOverWriteReleases | 0.446 | |
testUnpackDontOverWriteSnapshots | 0.5 | |
testUnpackOverWriteReleases | 0.437 | |
testUnpackOverWriteSnapshot | 0.448 | |
testUnpackOverWriteIfNewer | 0.352 |
testGetManagementKey | 0.003 | |
testAddExclusions | 0 | |
testGetExclusionErrors | 0.001 | |
testGetMismatch | 0.001 | |
testMojo | 0.004 |
testCopyFile | 0.121 | |
testArtifactNotFound | 0.11 | |
testArtifactResolutionException | 0.067 | |
testMojo | 0.077 | |
testStripVersion | 0.094 | |
testNoTransitive | 0.082 | |
testExcludeType | 0.153 | |
testIncludeType | 0.044 | |
testExcludeArtifactId | 0.08 | |
testIncludeArtifactId | 0.118 | |
testIncludeGroupId | 0.163 | |
testExcludeGroupId | 0.167 | |
testExcludeMultipleGroupIds | 0.076 | |
testExcludeClassifier | 0.069 | |
testIncludeClassifier | 0.07 | |
testSubPerType | 0.077 | |
testCDMClassifier | 0.101 | |
testCDMType | 0.076 | |
testCDMClassifierType | 0.079 | |
testDontOverWriteRelease | 0.268 | |
testOverWriteRelease | 1.187 | |
testDontOverWriteSnap | 0.27 | |
testOverWriteSnap | 1.172 | |
testGetDependencies | 0.069 | |
testExcludeProvidedScope | 0.062 | |
testExcludeSystemScope | 0.095 | |
testExcludeCompileScope | 0.066 | |
testExcludeTestScope | 0.065 | |
testExcludeRuntimeScope | 0.064 | |
testCopyPom | 0.067 | |
testPrependGroupId | 0.115 |
testCopyDependenciesMojoIncludeCompileScope | 0.175 | |
testCopyDependenciesMojoIncludeTestScope | 0.091 | |
testCopyDependenciesMojoIncludeRuntimeScope | 0.094 | |
testCopyDependenciesMojoIncludeprovidedScope | 0.069 | |
testCopyDependenciesMojoIncludesystemScope | 0.089 | |
testSubPerArtifact | 0.082 | |
testSubPerArtifactAndType | 0.078 | |
testSubPerArtifactAndScope | 0.077 | |
testRepositoryLayout | 0.144 | |
testSubPerArtifactRemoveVersion | 0.075 | |
testSubPerArtifactAndTypeRemoveVersion | 0.081 |
testUnpackIncludesManyFiles | 0.255 | |
testUnpackIncludesSingleFile | 0.134 | |
testUnpackIncludesAllFiles | 0.154 | |
testUnpackExcludesManyFiles | 0.232 | |
testUnpackExcludesSingleFile | 0.251 | |
testUnpackExcludesAllFiles | 0.259 | |
testNoIncludeExcludes | 0.218 |
testUnpackIncludesManyFiles | 0.14 | |
testUnpackIncludesSingleFile | 0.13 | |
testUnpackIncludesAllFiles | 0.145 | |
testUnpackExcludesManyFiles | 0.157 | |
testUnpackExcludesSingleFile | 0.172 | |
testUnpackExcludesAllFiles | 0.207 | |
testNoIncludeExcludes | 0.194 | |
testIncludeArtifactItemOverride | 0.213 | |
testExcludeArtifactItemOverride | 0.226 | |
testIncludeArtifactItemMultipleMarker | 0.243 | |
testIncludeArtifactItemMultipleExecutions | 0.373 |
testTreeTestEnvironment | 0.089 | |
testTreeDotSerializing | 0.087 | |
testTreeGraphMLSerializing | 0.088 | |
testTreeTGFSerializing | 0.093 |
testArtifactNotFound | 0.718 | |
testArtifactResolutionException | 0.675 | |
testMojo | 0.711 | |
testNoTransitive | 0.786 | |
testExcludeType | 0.981 | |
testIncludeType | 1.014 | |
testExcludeArtifactId | 1.028 | |
testIncludeArtifactId | 1.051 | |
testIncludeGroupId | 1.057 | |
testExcludeGroupId | 1.089 | |
testSubPerType | 1.634 | |
testCDMClassifier | 2.102 | |
testCDMType | 1.369 | |
testCDMClassifierType | 1.966 | |
testExcludeProvidedScope | 1.368 | |
testExcludeSystemScope | 1.265 | |
testExcludeCompileScope | 1.298 | |
testExcludeTestScope | 1.267 | |
testExcludeRuntimeScope | 1.268 | |
testSubPerArtifact | 0.963 | |
testSubPerArtifactAndType | 1.316 | |
testSubPerArtifactRemoveVersion | 0.966 | |
testSubPerArtifactAndTypeRemoveVersion | 1.585 | |
testIncludeCompileScope | 1.344 | |
testIncludeTestScope | 1.395 | |
testIncludeRuntimeScope | 1.419 | |
testIncludeprovidedScope | 1.48 | |
testIncludesystemScope | 1.515 |
testDontOverWriteRelease | 2.024 | |
testOverWriteRelease | 1.945 | |
testDontOverWriteSnap | 1.852 | |
testOverWriteSnap | 1.9 | |
testOverWriteIfNewer | 2.14 |
testDestFileRelease | 0.001 | |
testDestFileSnapshot | 0.001 | |
testDestFileStripVersion | 0.001 | |
testDestFileSubPerArtifact | 0.004 | |
testDestFileSubPerType | 0 | |
testDestFileOverwriteIfNewer | 0.003 | |
testGettersSetters | 0 |
testGettersSetters | 0 | |
testMarkerFile | 0.001 | |
testMarkerSnapshots | 0.001 | |
testMarkerRelease | 0.001 | |
testMarkerTimestamp | 0.011 |
testMarkerFile | 0 | |
testSetMarker | 0 | |
testMarkerTimeStamp | 0.002 | |
testMarkerFileException | 0 | |
testGetterSetter | 0 | |
testNullParent | 0 |
testMarkerFile | 0 | |
testMarkerFileException | 0 | |
testNullParent | 0 | |
testSetMarkerResolved | 0.001 | |
testSetMarkerUnresolved | 0.001 | |
testBothMarkers | 0 | |
testMarkerTimeStampResolved | 0.003 | |
testMarkerTimeStampUnResolved | 0.002 | |
testMarkerFileResolvedSetter | 0 | |
testNullParentResolved | 0.002 |
testMarkerFile | 0.057 | |
testSetMarker | 0.058 | |
testMarkerTimeStamp | 0.07 | |
testMarkerFileException | 0.066 | |
testGetterSetter | 0.065 | |
testNullParent | 0.065 | |
testIncludesMarker | 0.068 | |
testExcludesMarker | 0.072 | |
testIncludesExcludesMarker | 0.075 |
testDependencyStatusSettersGetters | 0.057 | |
testDependencyStatusConstructor | 0.042 | |
testDependencyStatusLog | 0.081 | |
testDependencyStatusLogNullFiles | 0.085 | |
testDependencyStatusEmptySet | 0.072 |
testDirectoryName | 0 | |
testDirectoryName2 | 0.001 | |
testDirectoryNameSources | 0 | |
testFileName | 0 | |
testTestJar | 0 | |
testFileNameClassifier | 0 | |
testFileNameClassifierWithFile | 0 | |
testTokenizer | 0 |
testGetterSetter | 0.067 | |
testNullClassifier | 0.071 | |
testEmptyClassifier | 0.068 | |
testNullType | 0.068 | |
testEmptyType | 0.066 | |
testClassifierAndType | 0.068 |