

The maven-antrun-plugin has only one goal, run.

This allows Maven 2 to run Ant tasks. To do so, there must be an existing project and maven-antrun-plugin must have its <tasks> tag configured (although it would still execute without the <tasks> tag, it would not do anything). Below is the template for maven-antrun-plugin's pom.xml.

            <phase> <!-- a lifecycle phase --> </phase>

                  Place any Ant task here. You can add anything
                  you can add between <target> and </target> in a


Moreover, you can add a script to each lifecycle phase, by duplicating the <execution/> section and specifying a new phase.

Ultimately, you could specify some Ant <target/> attributes in the <tasks/> tag. Only depends attribute in Ant <target/> is not wrapped.

  <tasks name="The name of the tasks"
    if="The name of the property that must be set in order for this task"
    unless="The name of the property that must NOT be set in order for this task"
    description="A short description of this target's function">

      Place any Ant task here. You can add anything
      you can add between <target> and </target> in a


Below you can see how to indicate that Ant has generated some more java source that needs to be included in the compilation phase. Note that the compile phase follows the generate-sources phase in the lifecycle.


                  Place any Ant task here. You can add anything
                  you can add between <target> and </target> in a


Of course, you can put whatever folder you prefer. The folders in the example above are handy because they are deleted when you clean since they are in the build directory (which is, by default, "target").

<sourceRoot/> adds a single folder to the list of folders that get compiled with the program source code (compile).

<testSourceRoot/> adds a single folder to the list of folders that get compiled with the test source code (test-compile).

Ant Expressions to Maven Expressions Mapping

Some Ant expressions have their respective counterparts in Maven. Thus, one can simply invoke the corresponding Maven expression instead of using maven-antrun-plugin to avoid the unneccessary overhead.

Ant Expression Maven Expression
Built-in Tasks
Ant maven-antrun-plugin
AntCall maven-antrun-plugin
Available profiles
BUnzip2 maven-assembly-plugin
BZip2 maven-assembly-plugin
Chmod maven-assembly-plugin
Condition profiles
Copy maven-resources-plugin
Dependset maven-dependency-plugin
Ear maven-ear-plugin
Filter maven-resources-plugin
Note: Filter uses the @...@ token while maven-resources-plugin uses the ${...} token
FixCRLF maven-resources-plugin
GenKey maven-jar-plugin
GUnzip maven-assembly-plugin
GZip maven-assembly-plugin
Jar maven-jar-plugin
Javac maven-compiler-plugin
Javadoc/Javadoc2 maven-javadoc-plugin
LoadProperties maven-resources-plugin
Manifest maven-jar-plugin
Property maven-resources-plugin
Replace maven-resources-plugin
Note: Replace can specify its token while maven-resources-plugin uses the ${...} token
Tar maven-assembly-plugin
Unjar maven-assembly-plugin
Untar maven-assembly-plugin
Unwar maven-assembly-plugin
Unzip maven-assembly-plugin
War maven-war-plugin
Zip maven-assembly-plugin
Optional Tasks
Antlr maven-antlr-plugin
Depend maven-dependency-plugin
EJB Tasks maven-ejb-plugin
FTP maven-deploy-plugin
Note: maven-deploy-plugin can only deploy unto the FTP
JavaCC maven-compiler-plugin
JJDoc maven-compiler-plugin
JJTree maven-compiler-plugin
JUnit maven-surefire-plugin
JUnitReport maven-surefire-report-plugin
ServerDeploy maven-deploy-plugin
Setproxy maven-deploy-plugin
Translate maven-resources-plugin
Note: Translate can specify its own tokens and can have a different encoding scheme for reading and writing files. maven-resources-plugin however uses the ${...} annotation only and has only one encoding scheme for reading and writing