CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.46.0.


File Line
org/apache/maven/index/artifact/M1ArtifactRecognizer.java 29
org/apache/maven/index/artifact/M2ArtifactRecognizer.java 26
     * Is this item M1 Checksum?
    public static boolean isChecksum( String path )
        return path.endsWith( ".sha1" ) || path.endsWith( ".md5" );

     * Is this item M1 POM?
    public static boolean isPom( String path )
        return path.endsWith( ".pom" ) || path.endsWith( ".pom.sha1" ) || path.endsWith( ".pom.md5" );

     * Is this item M1 snapshot?
    public static boolean isSnapshot( String path )
        return path.contains( "SNAPSHOT" );

     * Is this item M1 metadata? There is no such!
    public static boolean isMetadata( String path )
        return path.endsWith( "maven-metadata.xml" ) || path.endsWith( "maven-metadata.xml.sha1" )
            || path.endsWith( "maven-metadata.xml.md5" );