Maven Dependency Policies
Stephen Connolly
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Maven Dependency Policies
* Scope
This page describes the policies around the use of dependencies by the Apache
Maven Developers in the process of developing Apache Maven itself.
This page does not apply to projects hosted outside of the Apache Maven
project. In order to remove all doubt, this page only applies to code
which has a Subversion URL that starts with
If you have stumbled across this page and you are working on code that does
not have a Subversion URL starting with
<<>> then this page does not apply
to you.
Or git repositories starting with: https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/maven*
* Background
The Apache Maven PMC is tasked with ensuring (among other things) that all
legal issues are addressed and that each and every release is the product
of the community as a whole.
The Apache Maven project consists of quite a number of components. For
the purposes of this policy, we will make a distinction between the
core Maven distribution and all the other components.
The core Maven distribution is the binary and source distributions made
available from the http://maven.apache.org/download page.
* Applicability
This policy applies to all changes to dependencies as and from Subversion revision 1067464.
* Core Maven Distribution Dependencies
All dependencies which are included in the Core Maven Distribution must either:
* be licensed under a {{{http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#category-a}Category A license}}; or
* be licensed under a {{{http://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html#category-b}Category B license}} and
approved by a majority vote of the Apache Maven PMC.
Votes for Category B licenses will be held on the dev@maven.apache.org mailing list. A majority of the PMC
must vote in favour of a Category B licensed dependency before a release can be made containing that dependency.
* Non-Core Dependencies
Non-Core components may only use Category A or Category B licenses.