release-descriptor ReleaseDescriptor A release descriptor contains everything that is needed to perform a release. A release descriptor can be used by third party systems like Continuum to perform releases in a consistent way. The release model could also be deployed to the repository manager so that new releases can be announced easily and automatically. package org.apache.maven.shared.release.config ReleaseDescriptor 1.0.0+ name 1.0.0 String The name of this release configuration description 1.0.0 String The description of this release configuration ScmCommentPrefix 1.0.0 String [maven-release-manager] The prefix of SCM modification messages scmSourceUrl 1.0.0 String This is a MavenSCM of where you're going to get the sources to make the release with. Example: scm:svn: scmTagBase 1.0.0 String Where you are going to put your tagged sources Example scmReleaseLabel 1.0.0 String tag name: the identifier for the tag. Example: maven-release-plugin-2.0 scmUsername 1.0.0 String The user name to interact with the scm scmPassword 1.0.0 String The password for the user interacting with the scm scmPrivateKey 1.0.0 String Private key for an SSH based SCM repository. scmPrivateKeyPassPhrase 1.0.0 String Pass phrase for the private key. scmUseEditMode 1.0.0 boolean Whether to use edit mode when making SCM modifications. This setting is disregarded if the SCM does not support edit mode, or if edit mode is compulsory for the given SCM. releaseVersions 1.0.0 Map String * A map of projects to versions to use when releasing the given projects. developmentVersions 1.0.0 Map String * A map of projects to versions to use when moving the given projects back into devlopment after release. resolvedSnapshotDependencies 1.0.0 Map String * A map of resolved snapshot dependencies versions. originalScmInfo 1.0.0 Map String * A map of projects to original SCM information. workingDirectory 1.0.0 String The directory where the release is performed. completedPhase 1.0.0 String The last completed phase. addSchema 1.0.0 boolean false then the root element will remain untouched.]]> generateReleasePoms 1.0.0 boolean Whether to generate release POMs. interactive 1.0.0 boolean true Whether the release process is interactive and the release manager should be prompted to confirm values, or whether the defaults are used regardless. additionalArguments 1.0.0 String Additional arguments to pass to any executed Maven process. pomFileName 1.0.0 String The file name of the POM to pass to any executed Maven process. preparationGoals 1.0.0 String The goals to execute in preparation for the release. 1.0.0