------ Maven 2 War Plugin ------ Stephane Nicoll Pete Marvin King ------ July 19, 2006 Introduction The War plugin is used for generating a war artifact from a web application, this takes care of the error-prone task of assembling all the dependencies and gathering and relocating all the necessary resources of the war artifact. It also allows packaging of web applications in different modes. *Modes and how to invoke them: {{{war.html}<>}} (default) : generates the war artifact in war form +------+ m2 war:war +------+ {{{inplace.html}<>}} : generates the exploded war in the source tree +------+ m2 war:inplace +------+ {{{exploded.html}<>}} : generates an exploded version of the war +------+ m2 war:exploded +------+ The plugin works transparently when declaring your artifact as war. The default mode is used. +--------+ ... com.somecompany.webapp webapp-service 0.0 <<war>> Some Company Webapp Service ... +--------+ *Default directories used by the War plugin <> - src/main/webapp <> - target/- <> - target/war/work