------ Using the ejb-client as a dependency ------ Pete Marvin King ------ 15 July 2006 ------ Using the ejb-client as a dependency The ejb client is capable of generating another artifact aside from the primary one which is ejb. To choose the ejb client as the dependency just specify the type as <<>>. * Normal way of adding an ejb dependency The following dependency declaration would include the primary ejb artifact <<>> in your project's package. +------------+ [...] com.example ejb-project 1.0-SNAPSHOT ejb [...] +------------+ * Using the ejb-client Using this dependency declaration would instead use the ejb-client artifact <<>> in your project's package. +------------+ [...] com.example ejb-project 1.0-SNAPSHOT ejb-client [...] +------------+ For more details on generating the ejb client check the {{{generating-ejb-client.html}ejb-client guide}}.