------ Introduction ------ Dennis Lundberg ------ 12 July 2006 ------ Maven 2 Jar Plugin This plugin provides the capability to build and sign jars. * Goals Overview * {{{jar-mojo.html}jar:jar}} create a jar file for your project sources. * {{{test-jar-mojo.html}test-jar:jar}} create a jar file for your project test classes. * {{{sign-mojo.html}jar:sign}} sign a jar file. * {{{sign-verify-mojo.html}jar:sign-verify}} verify a signed jar file. [] * Usage Instructions on how to use the Jar Plugin can be found {{{usage.html}here}}. You might also want to consult the {{{http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-manifest.html}Guide to Working with Manifests}}. * Examples To provide you with better understanding of some usages of the Jar Plugin, you can take a look at the following examples: * {{{examples/executable-jar.html}Creating an executable jar file}} * {{{examples/manifest-customization.html}Manifest customization}} * {{{examples/manifest-file.html}Using your own manifest file}}