------ Advanced Usage ------ Olivier Lamy ------ 24 November 2007 ------ Advanced Usage * Goals File Interpolation The goals files can be interpolated with some values: * Values from the project POM (you must use <<<$\{pom.groupId}>>> notation in your goals file) * In the plugin configuration you can add some properties in a <<<\>>> element * IT POM Interpolation IT POMs can be interpolated with some values: * Values from the project POM (you must use <<<@pom.groupId@>>> notation in your POM file) * In the plugin configuration you can add some properties in a <<<\>>> element * Properties from <<>> * Running Only Some Tests The plugin supports a parameter <<<-Dinvoker.test>>> to run only ITs in the directories matched by the expressions used in the parameter. See this example command line: +--- mvn invoker:run -Dinvoker.test=*MWAR*,simple* +---