--- Maven Project Help Plugin :: Describe Mojo --- John Casey --- 12-October-2005 --- Describe Mojo *Summary The <<>> mojo is used to discover information about Maven plugins. Given a plugin prefix or groupId, artifactId, and optionally version, the mojo will lookup that plugin and output details about it. If the user also specifies which mojo to describe, the <> mojo will limit output to the details of that mojo, including parameters. Optionally, the output parameter can be specified to divert this output to a file. *Configurable Parameters *---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+ | <> | <> | <> | <> | <> | *---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+ | plugin | One-liner substitute for groupId/artifactId/version, or prefix | String | <<(none)>> | No | *---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+ | groupId | The plugin groupId to lookup | String | <<(none)>> | No | *---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+ | artifactId | The plugin artifactId to lookup | String | <<(none)>> | No | *---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+ | version | The plugin version to lookup | String | <<(none)>> | No | *---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+ | mojo | The specific mojo to describe, rather than the whole plugin | String | <<(none)>> | No | *---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+ | output | A path for description output, instead of the console | java.io.File | <<(none)>> | No | *---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+ | full | If false, provide a brief description. Otherwise, detail all | boolean | <<(none)>> | No | *---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+ *Note on <<<-Dplugin=...>>> This parameter is meant to provide two things: convenience and prefix-based access. The convenience comes when specifying a plugin by groupId:artifactId, or by groupId:artifactId:version. Where the more traditional specification of separate fields would mean specifying this: +---+ -DgroupId=org.somewhere -DartifactId=some-plugin -Dversion=0.0.0 +---+ the use of the plugin parameter allows this: +---+ -Dplugin=org.somewhere:some-plugin:0.0.0 +---+ (NOTE: version is always optional here.) On the other hand, the plugin parameter also offers the option to specify a plugin by its prefix, like this: +---+ -Dplugin=help +---+ *Examples [[1]] To display a brief summary of the entire help plugin, using the prefix for plugin lookup: +---+ mvn help:describe -Dplugin=help +---+ [[2]] To display a full summary of only the describe mojo, again using the prefix to lookup the plugin: +---+ mvn help:describe -Dplugin=help -Dmojo=describe -Dfull=true +---+ [[3]] To display the most information available for the entire help plugin, and avoid any confusion about which plugin might be resolved for a particular prefix: +---+ mvn help:describe -Dfull=true \ -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins \ -DartifactId=maven-help-plugin +---+