------ Introduction ------ Stephane Nicoll Pete Marvin King ------ 15 July 2006 ------ Maven EJB Plugin This plugin generates J2EE Enterprise Javabean (EJB) file as well as the associated client jar. * Goals Overview {{{ejb-mojo.html}ejb:ejb}} - used by maven for projects with ejb package type. * Usage Instructions on how to use the Maven EJB Plugin can be found {{{usage.html}here}}. * Examples To provide you with better understanding on some usages of the Maven EJB Plugin, you can take a look into the following examples: * {{{examples/generating-ejb-client.html}Generating an ejb client}} * {{{examples/ejb-client-dependency.html}Using the ejb-client as a dependency}} [] * Related Links * {{{http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-manifest.html}Guide to manifest customization}} []