Is this the Eclipse Plugin that allows me to run maven commands from within Eclipse IDE?

No. This is a maven plugin to generate Eclipse files for a maven project. This is not an Eclipse Plugin for Maven.

I already did mvn eclipse:eclipse but when I open Eclipse, my project is not there. Where is it?

You may also need to import the project created by Maven Eclipse Plugin. More information can be found here.

After running mvn eclipse:eclipse, the generated dependencies are pointing to a non-existing file. What needs to be done?

Before you can setup any maven project to your Eclipse IDE, you need to define first the location of your local repository to Eclipse. This is done by using:

Can I make the Eclipse plugin to download and to attach javadocs to my libraries?

Quoting what Fabrizio said in the mailing list...

"The current revision in svn of the Eclipse plugin (which is expected to be released as soon as an usable wtp 1.0.1 build will be out) has support for javadoc attachments, as an alternative to source jars."

"When using the downloadSources flag if a source jar is not found the plugin will look for a javadoc jar. This is expecially useful for non open source projects and when used with Eclipse 3.2 (in Eclipse 3.2 M4 javadoc view and editor tooltips also work with javadoc archives)."

"I didn't find useful to have both sources and javadocs attached, since javadocs are automatically extracted by Eclipse: if you think this should be needed please post an enhancement request in Jira with the reasons... "

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