------ Maven 2 Compiler Plugin ------ Johnny R. Ruiz III ------ September 19, 2005 How to Use These example shows how to set the -source and -target argument of the Java Compiler. It also shows how to exclude certain files on the items to be compiled. ------------------- ... ... org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin 1.5 1.5 **/*Point*.java ... ... ------------------- Compiling in JDKs other than the used to run Maven You can use any JDK to compile, not only the one used to run Maven. Note that this is different than just building with source and target options, this option actaully uses a different JDK, while with sources and target you just set the compatability version of the compiled classes. ------------------- ... org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin true 1.3 C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.3.1_18/bin/javac ... -------------------