------ Maven 2 Clover Plugin ------ Vincent Massol ------ April 8th, 2006 Introduction The Clover plugin is the place where build actions related to {{{http://www.cenqua.com/clover/}Clover}} are found in Maven. Clover is a tool that generates Test Coverage reports. It is free for non-commercial use. If your project is a commercial project you will need to get a license for the Clover jar before using this plugin. Please note that a 30 days license is included in this plugin. The full description of goals is available {{{index.html}here}}. Features The Clover plugin currently supports the following features: * Instrumenting Java sources with Clover so that they generate coverage logs to a {{{http://cenqua.com/clover/doc/adv/database.html}Clover database}} when they are exercised. * Aggregating Clover databases found in children modules into a single database so that reporting and checking for test coverage can be done at the level of the full project. * Generation of Clovered artifacts into your local repository, including Clovered EAR, WAR, RAR, etc containing a bundled Clover JAR. This allows including automated functional tests coverage into the Clover reports. * Generating a report from a {{{http://cenqua.com/clover/doc/adv/database.html}Clover database}}. * Verifying that your source code has a defined test coverage percentage and fail the build if it's below that level. This is the equivalent of the {{{http://cenqua.com/clover/doc/ant/checktask.html}Clover Check Ant task}}. * Dumping information about your {{{http://cenqua.com/clover/doc/adv/database.html}Clover database}}. Note that the Clover plugin will <> overwrite your main compiled classes nor your main test compiled tests classes. It creates a parallel directory in <<>> in order not to tamper with your main files. See the {{{howto.html}Howto}} section to learn how to use these features. Examples Check the {{{http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/maven/plugins/trunk/maven-clover-plugin/src/it/}plugin test suite}} for example of how to use this plugin.