------ Changes Reference ------ Dennis Lundberg ------ 2008-02-10 ------ ~~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ~~ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ~~ distributed with this work for additional information ~~ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ~~ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ~~ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ~~ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ~~ ~~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ~~ ~~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ~~ software distributed under the License is distributed on an ~~ "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ~~ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ~~ specific language governing permissions and limitations ~~ under the License. ~~ NOTE: For help with the syntax of this file, see: ~~ http://maven.apache.org/doxia/references/apt-format.html Changes Reference This is the reference documentation for the <<>> file. Here you can find out more about the different attributes that are available for the <<<\>>> and <<<\>>> elements. +-----------------+ <author email=.../> </properties> <body> <release date=... version=... description=...> <action dev=... type=... due-to=... due-to-email=... issue=.../> </release> </body> </document> +-----------------+ * release The following attributes are supported for the <<<\<release\>>>> element: *--------------------+--------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ <<Attribute>> | <<Optional>> | <<Description>> *--------------------+--------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ date | Required | Date at which the version was released. You can use a free form comment such as "in SVN" for unreleased versions. *--------------------+--------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ version | Required | Name of the version in which the changes occur. For each change, add a nested <<<\<action\>>>> element as described below. *--------------------+--------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ description | Optional | An optional description of the release. This is used in the overview table of releases. <<Note:>> In releases prior to 2.0-beta-2 this was called <<<desc>>>. It was changed to improve compatibility with the Maven 1 changes plugin. *--------------------+--------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * action The following attributes are supported for the <<<\<action\>>>> element: *--------------------+--------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ <<Attribute>> | <<Optional>> | <<Description>> *--------------------+--------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ dev | Required | Name of developer who committed the change. This must be the name of the developer as described in the developers section of the <<<pom.xml>>> file. *--------------------+--------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ type | Required | Type of change. There are four valid values: <add>, <fix>, <remove>, <update>. *--------------------+--------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ due-to | Optional | Name of the person to be credited for this change. This can be used when a patch is submitted by a non-committer. *--------------------+--------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ due-to-email | Optional | Email of the person to be credited for this change. *--------------------+--------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ issue | Optional | Id of the issue related to this change. This is the id in your issue tracking system. | | The Changes plugin will generate a URL out of this id. The URL is constructed using the value of the <<<issueLinkTemplate>>> parameter. See the {{{changes-report-mojo.html}changes-report mojo}} for more details. *--------------------+--------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+