------ Introduction ------ Dennis Lundberg ------ 16 July 2006 ------ Maven 2 Changes Plugin This plugin is used to inform your users of the changes that have occured between different releases of your project. The plugin can extract these changes, either from a <<>> file or from the JIRA issue management system, and present them as a report. You also have the option of creating a release announcement and even sending this via email to your users. * Goals Overview * {{{announcement-mail-mojo.html}changes:announcement-mail}} send a release announcement via email. * {{{announcement-generate-mojo.html}changes:announcement-generate}} generate a release announcement. * {{{changes-report-mojo.html}changes:changes-report}} create a report showing what has changed between different releases of the project. * {{{jira-report-mojo.html}changes:jira-report}} creates a report on issues downloaded from JIRA. [] * Usage Instructions on how to use the Changes Plugin can be found {{{usage.html}here}}. * Examples To provide you with better understanding of some usages of the Changes Plugin, you can take a look at the following examples: * {{{examples/alternate-changes-xml-location.html}Alternate Location for the changes.xml File}} * {{{examples/smtp-authentication.html}SMTP authentication}}