---- Usage ---- Kenney Westerhof ---- 10 August 2005 ---- Usage For those of you unfamiliar with configuring a plugin see the example below: ------ 4.0.0 my-test-app my-test-group 1.0-SNAPSHOT maven-antrun-plugin generate-sources run ------ The example above illustrates how to bind an ant script to a lifecycle phase. You can add a script to each lifecycle phase, by duplicating the <<<\>>> section and specifying a new phase. You can use these classpath references: * <<>> * <<>> * <<>> * <<>> * <<>> Below you can see how to indicate that ant has generated some more java source that needs to be included in the compilation phase. Note that the compile phase follows the generate-sources phase in the lifecycle. ------ 4.0.0 my-test-app my-test-group 1.0-SNAPSHOT maven-antrun-plugin generate-sources ${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/main/java ${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/test/java run ------ Of course, you can put whatever folder you prefer. The folders in the example above are handy because they are deleted when you "clean" since they are in the build directory (which is, by default, "target"). <<<\>>> adds a single folder to the list of folders that get compiled with the program source code (compile). <<<\>>> adds a single folder to the list of folders that get compiled with the test source code (test-compile).