# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default properties for the Cactus Plugin # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Location of containers. These properties need to be put in your # local project.properties as they depend on where you installed # your containers on your local machine. # # Examples: # # cactus.home.jboss3x = c:/apps/jboss-3.0.4 # cactus.home.tomcat4x = c:/apps/tomcat-4.1.10 # cactus.home.resin2x = C:/Apps/resin-2.1.4 # cactus.home.weblogic7x = C:/bea # Location of Cactus tests in project sources cactus.src.dir = ${basedir}/src/test-cactus # Location where the plugins puts temporary Cactus build-generated files cactus.target.dir = ${maven.build.dir}/cactus # Default port on which to start the containers cactus.port = 8080 # Default Cactus test files to include in the test cactus.src.includes = **/*Test*.java # Default Cactus test files to exclude from the test cactus.src.excludes = **/AllTests.java,**/Test*All.java # Default webapp context cactus.context = cactustest # Decides whether the test result will be printed to the console or # not. Default is true cactus.junit.usefile = false # Location of junit test reports for the Cactus tests cactus.reports.dir = ${cactus.target.dir}/test-cactus-reports # Location of the JBoss server configuration directory. cactus.jboss3x.config.dir = ${cactus.home.jboss3x}/server # Name of the JBoss server configuration to use cactus.jboss3x.config.name = default